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"I love you so much Mira." Jungkook glides his hand down the side of my face and Lord knows how much I've dreamt of the day Jungkook finally confessed his love for me.

"I love you too Jungkook." I tell him back pulling him even closer, until our mouths were centimeters apart.

This was it.

I was about to kiss Jungkook for the first time ever...I was actually about to have my first kiss ever!

I could feel his heart beating faster and faster, by the second. Was he just as nervous as I was?

Before I could withdraw my mind with other thoughts, his arms were wrapped around me. He leans in and I instantly close my eyes waiting for our lips to touch.

"Mira?" Jungkook says, making me force open my eyes and looking at him in confusion.

"Get up." He whispers and I furrow my eyebrows.

"I'm...up?" I only respond.

"No get up, love... it's time to wake up. He says.

Fuck, it was just a fucking dream. I look up to seeing my mother on the side of me looking like she wanted to murder me.

"Jesus Mira, what on earth do you be dreaming about? You're about to be late for school." She scolds and I jump out of bed.

"Trust me, you wouldn't want to wake up either." I mutter as I jump up out the bed.

"Next time I'm leaving your ass." Taehyung says as he finishes washing his face.

"Haha, very funny... mom wouldn't even allow it." I say turning on the sink water and grabbing my tooth brush.

"Why did she even buy us a joint car, you hold me up all the time." He complains and I scoff.

"I enjoy my sleep, unlike you." I say in my defense.

"Whatever, I'm going to be in the car you have ten minutes." He walks out the bathroom and I roll my eyes.

I only could wonder what Jungkook was wearing today or if he was going to show up to class or not as I got ready.

"Bye you two! Please no more pranks Taehyung...if I get another phone call I'll be taking the car." Our mother says kissing us both on the back of before as we leave from the house.

I don't know how my mother does it at times, it's always been the three of us and dealing with the two of us, sheesh give the woman her props.

I read the 'Welcome to Seoul High' as we entered the student parking lot, I smiled as I seen Jungkook's black convertible on the other side.

"Jeez get a fucking grip." Taehyung says as he unlocks the doors.

"Can't a woman be happy?" I say in annoyance.

"Not desperate women." He only says and I scoff.

"Fuck you." I mutter as I walk behind him as we entered school grounds.

"Mira!" Ching yells towards me.

"Are you excited... it's our last first day!" She yells and I chuckle at her excitement.

"Hopefully it's the year Jungkook makes me his girlfriend." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Speaking of the devil." Ching says as my eyes installs advert towards him.

He wore a white t shirt and some black ripped jeans, and of course girls were already surrounding him. Some were twirling their hair, some were giggling extra loud, and some were just plain extra. All fighting for his attention, but who was I to blame them? I've been fighting for his attention since we were in fifth grade and I haven't even came close to where they was.

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