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Jungkook kissed her slowly. Everything went slowly so he could follow her temper, and search into her eyes. When they joined, her scent was brave and strong and certain. Jungkook took it into himself, breathing her breath, feeling what she felt. He doesn't know if what he did was right, because the way his heart was beating once he pulled away was a feeling he was uncertain of.

"Jungkook." Mira whispers, a smile creeping onto her face afterwards.

He couldn't answer her, he could only look at her.

"I've kissed you and this is done." He backs away from her and heads for the exit, and Mira wanted to chase after him. She wanted to beg for him, but she was just too in shock that she had her first official kiss with her first love. So instead she let him walk away from her that day, and she screamed as loud as she could once he left her home.

"You promised me, that you would wear pink with me today." Ching whines and I roll my eyes as I opened my locker.

"Well I'm sorry, I forgot please forgive me." I beg and Ching smiles.

"Only if you give me the blessings to date Jimin again." She says and my eyes widen as I shut my locker door.

"He's hurt you, how could you even want to go back?" I whisper shout.

"Well last week after the party, he texted me and we kind of hooked up." She whispers and I only blink my eyes.

"Did he say he wants to be with you again or did he just miss the sex?" I ask and Ching sighs.

"I haven't thought about that, but he didn't really say too much of anything." Ching says and I scoff as I only look up to see Jimin having his arms wrapped around another girl's waist.

"I don't give you my blessing." I say and Ching rolls her eyes.

"You've been chasing Jungkook for years, but I can't try to work things out with my ex?" She whisper shout and I frown as I only turn Ching's body around so that she could see Jimin and some girl kissing on the other side of the hallway.

"Well...ouch." She whispers and I frown as I hug my best friend.

"Men suck." I only say and she sighs.

"So much for that." Ching says.

"I'll catch you later?" She then says as she tried to hide her hurt and embarrassment.

"Of course." I say and she smiles before disappearing into the crowded hallway. My attention only goes over towards Jungkook who was laughing with the other football players of the school. I couldn't help but blush at how attractive he is, with no effort. I haven't bothered him or begged him since our kiss. I guess he was surprised I stuck to my word, for now.

"Why do you waste all your time on a boy who would never see you in that way?" Kai whispers in my ear from behind me.

"How do you know? He doesn't see me like that?" I turn around crossing my arms and he smirks.

"Everyone knows you've been crushing on him since elementary school, he's not even give you no slight interest...." Kai says and I sigh.

"We're graduating and he's yet gave you one chance."

"So why waste time on him? When there is guys actually wanting to be with you?" He says and I flutter my eyes.

"like who?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Me." Kai says as his gaze intensified.

"If Jungkook can't see that he is missing out on someone like you, then he doesn't need anymore of your time..." Kai says as my eyes widen.

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