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"Ugh, SHUT UP!" I yell, as I press snooze on my alarm clock. I'm never drinking again, as I stumble out of bed.

"aye dweeb, seven minutes and I'm leaving." Taehyung says, as he opens my room door.

"Seven minutes?!" I whisper shout, and he scoffs. Closing the door leaving me to my privacy.








And where were you?" Ching whisper shouts, as I closed my locker door.

"I should be asking you the same thing." I deadpanned popping a Advil in my mouth, then crossing my arms and Ching scratches her shoulder.

"You think I'm so dumb don't ya?" She only asks, and I sigh.

"I just know you're worth so much more than that." I tell her.

"I know..." she whispers.

"I'll see you later okay?" I tell her, as I pat her shoulder and she walks away.

"Hey..." Kai says, casually as he walks over towards me.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." I whisper, and he smiles.

"It's fine, you're cute when your drunk." He teases, and I roll my eyes.

"Im embarrassed about all of it." I whisper.

"Don't be, everyone loves you." He says, and I smile.

"Listen, I would love a redo." He only says, and my heart skips a beat.

" do?" I ask, and he nods.

"Friday... why don't we go see a movie?" He asks, and I nodded.

"Cool, I'll pick you up." He only says, before walking away.








"Yeah, Jungkook is so great in bed. And his dick is so fucking huge!" She whisper shouted, as she gossiped with the other cheerleaders. My heart only sinks as I continued to wash my hands.

"He even told me he wants me to go to prom with him." She says, and her friends cheer for him and I roll my eyes as I walked out the bathroom.

"Hey." He only says, as I bump into his muscular shoulders.

"Sorry." I mutter, as I try to walk past. Jungkook only grips my waist pulling me back towards him and our eyes finally meet.

"I...I..." I stutter, and he chuckles before letting me go.

"I'm sorry about last night, thanks for bringing me home." I tell him, and he nodded.

"I'm also sorry for making you kiss me." I tell him, and his eyes widen.

"I shouldn't have, I shouldn't have forced you to do that just so that I'd leave you alone." I tell him, and I walk past him.

It felt different, trying to get over my crush for Jungkook. But I knew it was definitely needed.
I look back at him one last time before walking to my next class.

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