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I took a deep breath, and I closed my eyes. "It's okay." I whisper to myself, placing my hands into my hoodie as I watched the door open slowly.

"Mira?" Kai says, and I completely regretted coming here. This was a dumb mistake, and I felt nothing but embarrassment and rage. "Hello?" Kai says, snapping me out my thought.

"Do you want to come in?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"Came here to apologize on Jungkook's behalf?" He asks.

"You're such an—.."

The sound of slap echoed for a long time.

"Ouch!" Kai says, placing his hand on his cheek.

"I'm so sorr— actually I'm not sorry you very much deserved that!" I yell.

"Don't you think I received my consequences already?" He says, as I looked at his crutches and I shake my head.

"I just need to know." I say, softly.

"Know what?" He asks.

"Why did you pretend? Why did you do that to me?" I say, trying not to cry. Kai takes a deep breath, shaking his head as he lowered his head in shame.

"Listen I don't know okay?!" He says.

"I'm an asshole, I regret what I did Mira. I truly do. You didn't deserve that... I humiliated you and I have no reason for doing so." He says, truthfully.


"Well I am not some fucking toy you could just play around with! I'm a PERSON. A person who feels, feels very deeply." I cry.

"You're right I didn't deserve that. I didn't deserve to be exposed in such ways for the fun of it. What you did was unforgivable, I may not be a Gia or a cheerleader or any of the girls you men idolize... but I am still a woman... a woman who needs to respected and not.. not toyed with..." I breathe out, wiping my tears.

"Fuck you Kai and everything you stand for." I say, flicking him off before walking away from his lawn.








"And where were you?" Taehyung asks, standing up from the couch. I glance over at him, of course Gia, Sasha, and Jungkook was here. I didn't have time for the whole little sister big brother conversation right now.

"Are you my father?" I only ask, and Taehyung scoffs.

"If something happens to you it falls on me." He says, walking closer towards me.

"I'm not a child Tae. I'm a year younger." I say, and he rolls his eyes.

"I am going to my room now if you must know."  I say, walking past him.

"Or you should join us." Taehyung says, and I glance over at Gia playing with Jungkook's ears and then back at Taehyung.

"I have a lot of work to catch up on." I say, smiling before walking up the stairs.








"I can't believe you said all that you go girl!" Ching says, giving me a high five.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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