Getting some Vitamin D

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"Come with me to the Astronomy tower." Broken Draco emo loner cooed.

"Why?" Harry whispered seductively.

"Because I want to show you something."

"What?" Harry bit his lip fboyly.

"Come with me and I'll show you." Draco was actually going to strangle Harry up there. And not in a kinky way.

Okay fine, maybe in a kinky way.

"Mhm, daddy." Harry had a choking kink. "Just let me tell my girlfriend."

Soon to be ex girlfriend Draco yelled to himself in his small cute emo loner depressed brain.

Draco watched Harry's thicc ass as Harry walked away. It looked like it was about to rip through his robes. Secretly, Draco hopped it would.

"Hey baby," Harry greeted Emma-Olivia displaying his four yellow teeth in a shiteating grin.

"What do you want?"

"In going with daddy, I mean Draco" Harry blushed. Was it too soon to think of Draco as Daddy? "To the Astronomy tower."

"I hope you fall off and die."

"Love you too honey," Harry walked back to Draco but not before releasing a gaseous moist tangy fart on Emma-Olivias cute quirky face.

Draco was so jealous. He wished he had the Potters' medicinal fart genes so he could fart all over Emma-Olivia.

Harry and Draco linked arms and hop-skipped-jumoed up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower. On the way, they saw Peeves masterbating to Ogre- feet porn and Dobby sucking Dumblewhores short but girthy dick whilst stroking Dumbwhores feticcine-esque ball hair outside McGonijgjgjkhals office.

The two misunderstood broken loner boys soon reached the Astronomy Tower. A gust of wind blew past, carrying the smell of Hagrids pubes with a hint of day old meatloaf.

The boys reached the top of the Tower and were greeted with a gush of wind that blew Harry off of his feet. Luckily Draco grabbed Harry's 23 metre dick and was able to pull him back to.

"You-you saved me," Harry said in disbelief.


Harry looked deep into Dracos grey orange yellow green orbs. Suddenly, their faces were mushed together in a kiss.

This is not what Draco or Harry were expecting. But it was happening. Harry was cheating on his super hot girl friend and Draco was making out with the most repulsive man in all of Wizarding history.

Draco felt Harry saggy boobs against his rock hard gym bod chest. He was actually kinda into it ngl.

"OH MY GOD!" A sudden petite scream  sounded.

The boys separated, turned around and saw...Y/n?

"OHMYGAWD TIMMY LET'S GET AWAY FROM HERE !" Y/n said, her yellow purple orange turquoise lilac orbs large with surprise. She shielded her Hand from the sight in front of them.

"Who are they?" The Hand asked in a thicc Cockeny accent.

"They super hot blonde one is my ex," y/n looked sad all of a sudden. She dramaticly sunk to her knees. "I THOUGHT HE WAS THE ONE!" Her orbs gleamed with tears, "but then he one- night standed then stranded.

"Um-" Draco tried.

"He hit it and quit it."


"He fucked then ducked."

"Look, thats just how I am. My childhood trauma has led me to trust no one. I push people away before they can push me away. Don't take it personal."

"You're a terrible person OwO." With that y/n and Timmy exited, leaning only Draco and Harry once again.

"Hey bruv." Harry made swiggly eyebrows at Draco.

"Ew." Draco pushed Harry off of him, glad he could finally breathe fresh air again. "Break up with your girlfriend."

"Great idea. Then we can shag."

"No! Thats disgusting, just break up with her for Merlin's sake."

"Or what, bruv?"

"Or I'll throw you off of this tower."

"Oooh kinkyy," Harry said suggestively.

Draco's eyes darkend hotly. What was wrong with this lad?

Draco lifted petite Harry up with one pinky finger and flung him off the Astronomy Tower. Harry smirked, right before falling, "oh yea, mate, you'll get some action later." And then be dropped petit-ly towards the ground.

Draco Malfoy The Emo Loner And Quirky Y/n  SlanderWhere stories live. Discover now