Y/n faeces trajedi

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As Y/n sang Fight Song to herself in the mirror, while mascara ran down her cheeks for the 1563rd time, Tim the Hand, her lover was on a train to Scotland.

What happened to this seemingly perfect couple?

The background music Y/n had as she grieved gave us the answer: love doesn't last foreeeevea, one day we both will drift awaaaay, suck my cock hoe ooh ooh ooh.

"Y/N OPEN THE DOOR!" A crusty voice said from behind Y/n's dorm door.


But Dumbledoor did not go away. He lifted his skinny white leg and kicked open the door then sat next to Y/n.

Dumblenor took a whiff of his pot,  "You know Y/n, i also had a lover who abandoned me once. I was young, like you, and in love, like you. I was also heartbroken like you when they left me. But you realise with time that some things just weren't meant to be. You'll find the One, Y/n, but for now. Stop your annoying ass singing."

"Who dumped you?"

"A beautiful lady. I can still hear her graty voice saying to me don't eat so many sherbet lemons dummby, it makes your dick yellow she was right"

Y/n did not know what to do with this information so she petit-ly batted her 8 inch eyelashes.

"I can still feel her small thick fingers gentley caressing my-"


"My face. Smh child."

"Okay," Y/n was petit-ly over this conversation. She wanted to go out and do something fun for once. She didn't want to sit at home and think of Timmithe. Y/n gracefully stood up and tucked a stray strand of blue orange yellow turquoise hair behind her ear. "I'm gonna go now."

"Wait. The woman I'm talking about is...ur mum."

Y/ns orbs went wide in shock. She collapsed onto the floor petitly. "Wh-what?"

"Yes. I was in a sexual relationship with ur mom and got her preggers also. Gertie died during childbirth whilst giving birth to...you."

Y/n whole world uwuly collapsed on itself hehe.

Draco Malfoy The Emo Loner And Quirky Y/n  SlanderWhere stories live. Discover now