Chapter 3

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The sound of a car door slamming had awoken you and you sat up quickly on the sofa, rubbing your eyes and stretching.

'What the fuck?'

You looked at the time and sighed, it was midnight now, well you've already had a good-ass sleep so you may as well get something to eat or drink.
You go through the fridge and find that you're not really hungry so you make yourself a hot chocolate. 
When you stand in front of the window you notice something odd. When you look through you see the Wick's house, but you also see a car on the far right, almost hiding out of sight from the house.
The headlights were on low and you could see a tall figure standing on the footpath. Your eyes flick over to another figure coming out from the side gate from Helen and John's house.

Are they being fucking robbed!?

You quickly grab your phone and return to the window quickly only to stop yourself when you squint your eyes to get a better look.

'Oh shit'.

Helen Wick now stood on the footpath with a man who wasn't John. He had wrapped his arms around her delicate frame and his lips were on hers.

'Holy shit!'

You had just seen Helen Wick with another man. She was having an affair, the woman who you thought was an angel... Maybe there was more to their relationship than meets the eye? No one knows any one until they're behind closed doors.
You drop your phone onto the counter and continue watching the scene unfold. Helen and the man talk for some time and you see them exchange an item. 

'What're you doing?'

You whisper to yourself, this was something you wanted to confront Helen about, because you didn't like the fact that she was doing this to John. What had he done that caused her to do this? Did she randomly fall out of love with him? Or was there something else?

What was it?

You watch as Helen embraced him again, kissing the man passionetly before he lifts her up onto the car, allowing her to wrap her legs around the man's waist.

'Oh god!'

You shut the curtains immedietly, not wanting to see that scene, what do I do? I can't do anything! It's none of my business!

But John had wool over his eyes, unless Helen confesses and says that she's with someone? You don't know... It was none of your business at all.
You can't help but peek through the curtains once more and you see them on the car still. Helen loved this man more than she loved John. 
You felt hot tears run down your cheeks when you begin to realize that this woman had wasted John's life.

Fucking bitch.

You watch as the two seperate but leave with one final kiss before he hops back into his car and she heads back inside.
You back away from the window and lean against the island counter, 'holy shit', that was all you could say because you couldn't believe what you had just seen.

I can't tell him- well, I could but that would be breach of privacy and it would be weird if I went up to him and said "hey, your wife is cheating on you, you may not know me as well, but I worked at that place you had dinner the night before".

You rake your fingers through your hair and sigh. I guess you were going to have to let things happen, and who knows if Helen would say something or John would find out somehow. That was the painful part.
You couldn't help it, you texted Tyler.


Tyler: Yo, it's fucking two o'clock bitch!

You're awake though.

Tyler: Yeah! You woke me up!

Sorry, hey I got a problem, I saw Helen outside her house like, a few moments ago.

Tyler: Great fucking observation (Y/N).

She was with someone and she was making out with them.

Tyler:... It wasn't John she was making out with?

Nope, it wasn't... I think she's having an affair.

Tyler:... Holy shit.

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