Part 2

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We walk back in the karaoke room and I go back to where I was sitting


After more shots and singing I can confidently say that I was pretty tipsy.
Jason gently pulled me out of the karaoke room and into the hallway.

"You know I'm leaving in a week to go to Notre dame uni."

"Yes I know."

"I can't really do long distance Leah."

"So let's just make the most of the time we have."

To be honest, we weren't really boyfriend and girlfriend, we were more friends than anything else.

I pull him in leaning my back on the wall and kissing him.

He kisses me and says: "not here."

"Then where?"

"I don't know but we have to be in a private place."


"So... okay one kiss won't hurt— —"
But I was already kissing him.
I wanted things to heat up.
But then suddenly.

He pulled away coldly.

"Leah let's go back."

"Wow man."
A British accent said coming down the hall toward the karaoke room.

"Hot." Louis said sarcastically.

"Fuck you dude." Jason answered.

"Excuse you." I tell Jason.
"It was a joke." I say.

"I'm so fucking tired of your bullshit Partridge!"

"What bullshit? Your "relationship"? Hah y'all are kidding yourselves."

Jason pulls back and then punches Louis in the face!
His head falls back and hits the wall.
Blood drips from his nose.

Louis uppercuts Jason in the jaw and when Jason doubles over Louis knees his stomach.
They begin pushing and shoving and fighting.
I am in shock, I have no idea what to do.
I step in between for a moment and Jason's elbow flys at my lip.
I fall backward and notice that I have a slit in my lip, blood drips downward.

Louis looks at me and says "Leah!"
He smashes into Jason shoving him on the floor and I scream.
"What that fuck! guys stop please!"
Louis stops fighting and runs over to me, holding my arms and tapping the blood off my chin.
"Let's get you some help okay?" He says in a soft tone.
"What? No. Get the hell away from me! Both of you!"

I go back into the karaoke room and Noah insists on taking me home.
That night I receive a text from Jason.

(I'm so sorry Leah. We should not have been fighting period. Something else Louis had done had pissed me off and I should've acted better)
(Please forgive me.)
(I'll talk to you another time idiot.)
I know it doesn't seem like it, but saying that to Jason took a lot.
My anxiety about was so intense I turned my phone off.
But the good news was that things were finally patched up with my best friend.

I walk into my parents room and sprawl out on their bed.
They were laying and watching some TLC show.

"I think it's over with Jason."

"Good," my dad started "What he did today makes him an idiot."
My dad tended to be extra harsh towards stupidity.

My mom was silent and I glanced in her direction.
She had an angry looking frown plastered on her face as she stared at the to screen.

The longer I looked at her frown the more upset it made me.

I got up and walked out angrier than when I walked in.
I can't believe my mom couldn't just pretend to be on my side.
I walk in my room.
Carrie is sitting on my bed twiddling with my phone.

"Carrie!" I exclaim.

"You shouldn't talk to Jason like that!"

I walk over and rip my phone out of her hands.
I grab her arm and walk to my parents room.

"Can one of y'all please talk to Carrie about the importance of staying out of other peoples private areas!" I nearly yell.
I was so angry, I already felt bad enough about what I said to Jason. I didn't need anyone telling me what to do.

"Leah, let go of Carrie."

I did as my mom said.

"You shouldn't grab your sister! Putting your hands on people is unacceptable." My mom started scolding me.

"Excuse you? She's the one who broke into my room and went through my private messages."

"That's not the point!" My mom screams.

I storm out.
"I'm about to be an adult! You can't keep this up!" I yell as I walk into my room.
I run inside and begin blasting music and turtle shelling emotionally.
I rock back and forth in the corner of my room.
"Why does she always judge me? I'm never right, I'm never good enough. What did I do? Was I born like this? Inferior?" Tears fall down my face as I begin sobbing my self worth plummets downward just like my left over mascara.

When he looks at me Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant