Part 8

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Will leaves and I walk inside. Pretty much 2/3 of the people at this party will be attending my local uni, so I was happy I'd met so many new people.

Suddenly The girl Jason was with walks up to me and showers me in red wine covering my perfect white dress.
"What the actual fuck?!" I yell. Everyone looks at us.
"Next time be more careful." She says, as if I bumped into her.

"I like that idea whoever you are." Louis says. He pours his beer all over my head.
I'm in shock, I can't even say a word. But also I kind of understand, I was too harsh with him.
"Has anyone else been pissed off by Leah tonight?" The girl asks to everyone in the kitchen.
Everyone is silent because this sentence is extremely cringe, and also I'm too drunk to really do anything. So like a dumbass, I stand there silent, as if waiting for the ad of a tv show to finish.
Isaac walks up to me and before I can move throws his screwdriver in my face. I cover my eyes but not in time, my hair and everything is soaked.
In front of everyone Jason's girl walks up to me.
"Next time don't be such a whore." She says.
I look at Louis.

"I agree with her on this one Leah, you really were acting like a promiscuous woman." Louis said respectfully. However, I didn't understand why he cared.

"In other words you're easy and you should stop calling people tools, it's not fun."  Isaac says.

"On New Years, you literally stole my best friends birthday gift as a shitty dare from Louis, so I have every right to that opinion."
I look at Louis.
"And you, are calling me easy? Since when do you care?"

"You practically hooked up with that guy while looking at me the whole time!"

I was going to kill him, I absolutely saw red.
He got closer to me.
"It's not my fault you're in love with me. Because you have some sick daddy kink." Louis said.
The words burnt like hot metal in my skin. I had no idea where he was getting them from, but that didn't stop the emotional impact.
Luckily, only a few people saw.
"Daddy kink? Damn."Isaac says.

I don't know what to say, I know the words aren't true but they'd hurt every bit as much if they were.

"You are a traumatised crazy girl, who thinks everything's about her." Louis spits, beer on his breath.

All I can get out is: "you're drunk."

"No you are! You know it's true. Have fun cleaning all of that off of yourself. You deserve it."
Tears dropped from my eyes but I was not gonna give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I grabbed my bag and left the party, practically running.
I was also, freezing my ass off.


My anger can't contain itself as I punch the punching bag at the gym. I elbow it, and knee it over and over again, exhorting so much energy in the movements.
Suddenly I go to punch the bag and as I plant my fist the bag is pulled backwards causing me to fall forward.
"Having fun?" The girl Jason was with last night says.
She's taller than me by maybe six inches, and much skinnier. She's pretty. I observe.
"I think the Pilates class for middle aged wine moms is down the hall that way." I point and yank the punching bag back.

"You're a real personality." She says.

"I don't even know your name and you couldn't help but be an asshole last night."

"It's Mackenzie, and you are gonna get much worse from me."

"What the fuck." I'm so shocked, this behaviour is crazy, I thought once I left high school, I'd escaped the childish drama.

"My dad is your boss, if you do one thing to me I will get your dad fired. So, think about it." She said.

If my dad gets fired I can't pay for my university next year. My dad's work covers all of my college tuition.
"Mack-whore!" I yell at her apathetically.
"Are you blackmailing me?" I ask.
She doesn't even turn around. Just says: "Ask your dad how his work went when you get home tonight."

When he looks at me Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum