Part 9

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In less than 24 hours I had experienced more humiliation than any time in my entire life.
Fuck high school kids, fuck Kenzie, Fuck Louis, fuck Jason for sitting there allowing it all of it to happen.
He's a fucking twat.

I consider going to the skate park today but stop myself when I quickly recall last night's events.
I feel so ashamed but I suppress it and pick up my phone.

(Wanna get coffee?)

(What's up?)

(Let's talk irl)

(Never been there b4 tbh)
(But sounds nice)
(Should I pick you up? You can tell me how to get

(Oh that's right, you know where I live😅)
(Sure lol) I'll be ready in twenty or so)
Seen 12:34 p.m.


I get out of bed and wash up before straightening my hair quickly and and putting clothes on.
I look in the mirror and out in my usual makeup.
William texts me to come outside and I do just in time.
I hop down the stairs, butterflies blooming in my stomach. I'm so nervous.

"Who's parked outside?" Carrie asks, Millie sitting next to her.

"My date... I guess." I laugh and giggle in excitement.

"You look pretty." Millie says.

I'm wearing a brown second hand slip dress, pinned at the back to keep my figure, black boots, and an oversized second hand dark wash denim jacket. I look amazing.

"Thank you!!" I run over and give her a hug my nerves making me hitter in excitement.

"Have fun!" Carrie says. And I open the door walking slowly out and opening the door to Will's Lexus.

He's sitting in the drivers seat watching me get in.

"Hey!" He says awkwardly setting his phone down.

"Hello." I say.

For a second, we are both incredibly silent and it is so awkward I consider jumping out of the car and aborting mission.

Will laughs, amused by the awkward tension and hugs me gently.

"Let's agree never to drink tequila?" He adds.

I back track, did he not like the kiss with me, did he not like me?

"Haha, definitely. After you left some girl covered me in wine and ruined my designer white dress." I say.

"Oh damn, what happened?" Will inquires.
"Well m, it's not that bad, I never repeat outfits anyway." I say while jokingly flipping my hair to seem above it.

He laughs and looks down then locking eyes with me.
"The location?" He says after a few seconds of eye contact.

"What?" I ask so confused.

"To the cafe?" William asks.

"Oh! Shit, Aight." I say taking his phone and putting in the address on his navigator.

He puts one hand on the back of my seat, and looks behind him, backing out of the driveway.

He pulls onto the street and begins driving.

"So, I know we like for off to a weird start, but, you wanna get to know each other?" William asks.

"Sure." I say.

"Okay, you ask me a question, I'll ask you one." He suggests.

"Alright, uh where'd you grow up?" I ask.

"Well, all over the place, Australia, London, Dublin, you name it."

"Wow, you've travelled a lot?" I ask

"Uh uh uh" he smiles "my question."

I chuckle "okay, ask away."

"Where did you grow up?"

"Well I'm half Japanese- " he interrupts me.

"What?" He's really surprised.

"Yeah, I don't really take after my mom."

We stop at a red light and he turns and looks at my face.
"Wow, if I really look at your features I can see it. But I wouldn't know that from just seeing you in the street."

"Yeah not every biracial looks mixed. It sucks but I'm happy with my appearance."

"Oh right, you were saying?"

"Anyway, I was born in Japan but soon after I moved here, and I've never really been back out of the country except to Japan every once and a while."

"That's really interesting." William says.

"Okay, now, my turn." I say.

As we drive I ask him pointless questions, and important questions.
He doesn't ask me any important ones until we pull into the cafe and sit at our table.
He asks: "Are you close with your family?"

"My dad, yes. My sister, eh. My brother no, and my mom, fuck no."

"Wow, fuck no?"

"Next question." I smile.
The waitress takes our order.
I order a cappuccino and he orders an americano, double shot of espresso.

"My turn." I say, I look in his eyes and for a second, I get lost.
I finally get out, "what did my ex do to you at that party?"

"Oh." He sighs and leans back in his chair. His black shirt fits his strong shoulders perfectly.

"Well, pretty much after the kiss when you went to talk to your friend..." he looks up trying to remember her name.
"Eva?" I correct.
"Yeah! Her. Basically, I was standing there, minding my own business, when this guy, who I guessed was your ex, came up and like- grabs my shirt. I was super weirded out and he kind of just drunkenly told me, that if I ever kiss again or, romantically get close to you, he'll- um- well, I believe his exact words were- "I'm gonna beat the shit out of you." which, I mean- I've heard that before, but it felt really weird hearing it from someone I've never even met before."

My mouth is open in surprise.
"I can't believe Jason would do that. Im so sorry William. That must've been terrible." I try to empathise with him.

"Thanks, I didn't know you cared." He looked a bit melancholy for a moment. And then he snapped back.
"Right, why don't you like your mum?" He asks.

We talked for like two hours before he had to leave to go do some work. He pulled into my driveway.

"Hey, thanks for inviting me out, it was nice." He said.
"Of course." I smile.

He takes my hand and kisses it.
"Walk me to my door?" I ask.

"You flatter me." He says as if he's a gentleman in the 19th century.

He steps out and opens my door for me letting me out of the car.

As I stand there he leans down plants a cute little peck on my cheek.

"What am I five?" I ask.

"You want more?" He smiles cheekily.

I nod nervously.

He leans down and wraps one hand in my hair, the other, around my waist. Pulling me into him.

As he kisses I feel I've reached a point of euphoria.
And then, the front door opens.

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