Chapter 1

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Today is my first day back in Hawkins after I moved away 2 years ago. My mom wanted a fresh start away from all the monsters and power stuff so we moved to a town farther away from Hawkins and I left my friends and my crush behind. I was especially sad to leave my best friend Nancy. I got up and took a shower as I got ready for school. I brushed my hair and teeth and put on some light make up. I walked downstairs to find my mom cooking breakfast.
Y/n: Good morning mom.
Mom: Good morning sweetheart, I made your favorite breakfast.
Y/n: Chocolate chip pancakes?
Mom: Yep!
Y/n: Awesome, Thanks mom!
I ate breakfast hurried out of the door to my car and drove to school.

When I got to school I got all my stuff and went to the office.
Office lady: Hello, Can I help you?
Y/n: I'm y/n, I'm new here.
Office lady: Okay let me get someone to show you around the school.
Y/n: Thank you.
The office lady grabbed her microphone to the speakers and started talking in it.
Office lady: Nancy wheeler to the office please.
Nancy soon walked through the door and seen me.
Nancy: Y/n?
Y/n: Hey Nancy!
She ran up and hugged me.
Nancy: I missed you so much!
Y/n: I missed you to!
Office lady: Nancy wheeler will be showing you around the school.
Y/n: Thank you ma'am.
She gave me my schedule and let me and Nancy go on the tour.
Nancy: When did you get back?
Y/n: Yesterday night.
Nancy: I'm just so happy that your back, I didn't know how much longer I could go without you!
Y/n: You missed me that much?
Nancy: Of course, You we're the life of the party!
Nancy showed me all my classes and where every room was.
Nancy: And this is the hellfire club room.
Y/n: What's the hellfire club?
Nancy: It's a club where they play D&D.
Y/n: Really? I didn't know they had a club for that, I would love to join!
Nancy: Mike and Dustin are in that club they get bullied a lot and the leader is really scary.
Y/n: Really?
Nancy: Yeah so if you want to join just prepare for him and the bullies.
Y/n: Okay I will think about it.
Nancy: You actually want to join?
Y/n: Yeah! I love playing D&D!
Nancy: I forgot how much of a nerd you were.
Y/n: I'm not a nerd!
Nancy: Uh huh.

At lunch:
I got my food and went to sit outside to eat. I don't mind eating in the cafeteria but if I had a choice I would choose eating outside. I seen Nancy walking to to me with Steve behind her.
Y/n: Hey Steve!
Steve: Do you mind if we join you?
Y/n: Not at all.
Steve: It's been a while.
Y/n: Yeah, It has.
Nancy: We need to celebrate!
Y/n: How about my place after school or something.
Nancy: Today?
Steve: Today would be perfect!
Y/n: I'm good with today.
Nancy: Great I will tell the rest of the gang and we we'll go to your house after school.
Y/n: Okay, I can't wait!

After school:
I told Nancy where I lived and she got everyone else to meet up at my house. Me and my mom made snacks for them as we waited for everyone to arrive. I heard a knock at the door and went to open it.
Dustin: Hey y/n, along time no see!
Dustin and Mike hugged me and I invited everyone in.
Max: Hey y/n, It's nice to see you again.
Lucas: Yeah, We have missed you.
Y/n: To bad Will and El aren't here.
Mike: Yeah...
Max whispered in my ear.
Max: We don't talk about them in front of him, He gets emotional.
Y/n: Oh, I'm sorry.
Max: No worries just watch it around him.
We all got snacks ready and started playing games and having a fun time.
Steve: Y/n, Truth or dare.
Y/n: Dare!
Steve: I dare you to tell us strangest thing that has happened to you.
Y/n: Umm well a lot but I have been having these weird dreams about this one guy lately.
Steve: Now I'm interested, Continue.
Y/n: I'm almost every dream I have had since I can remember I always see this tall guy with brown hair and he always tells me we will meet soon and he always calls me cute nicknames.
Max: Really?
Nancy: That's cool.
Dustin: Next!
We continued playing different games until it was time for everyone to go home.
Y/n: Bye everyone, It was nice having y'all here!
Everyone: Bye!
Once everyone left I helped my mom clean up.
Y/n: It feels like I never left.
Mom: I can see how much happier you are here than where we were.
Y/n: This is my home, I am much happier here.
Mom: Have you seen you know who yet?
Y/n: No, I haven't.
Mom: You will have to see him someday or another.
Y/n: I'm scared, Will he still be mad at me for leaving him with an explanation?
Mom: I think he will be happy to see you.
Y/n: I wish I could have told him.
Mom: It's for yours and El's safety.
Y/n: But Steve and the others know!
Mom: Without them we would all be dead.
Y/n: So your saying he would kill me?
Mom: No, I just want you to be safe.
Y/n: I'm pretty sure I was safe with him.
Mom: You can never be to careful.
Y/n: Ugh whatever.
I finished cleaning the mess and went to my room. I got changed into my pjs, Brushed my teeth and then brushed my hair. I went to my sweet bed and fell asleep.

We were destinedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz