Chapter 5

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I was in another dream. I was in the flower field and seen Eddie but now there was a red string tied to my finger and and the other end tied to Eddie's finger. I walked up to him like I usually do.
Eddie: Hey princess!
Y/n: Hey Ed's, What's the string about?
Eddie: It's a soulmate string.
Y/n: A soulmate string?
Eddie: We are tied together y/n, We are soulmates.
Y/n: We are?
Eddie: Indeed.
I looked up at Eddie and smiled as he grabbed my hand but when he did I seen more visions. I seen Eddie again, He was at his trailer and he was with Chrissy. He was digging for something and then Chrissy started to go in a trance. I seen Eddie freaking out as Chrissy wouldn't wake up and she started levitating. I seen her bones snap and her eyes go behind her head. Eddie grabbed his keys, Ran out of the door and drove away. I seen the look of terror on his face as he just watched Chrissy die. Then I seen him in a familiar place with the red sky again. Eddie was running away from something but he kept running until he turned into a creepy monster. The monster was big and red, He had lots of tentacle things wrapped around his body. He also had something familiar about him like I knew him from somewhere. Then everything changed again. I started to run next to Eddie in the scary place with the red sky. We were running from more bats but this time we were with more people but after a while of running Eddie got dragged away by a bunch of bats as he screamed.

I woke up screaming and crying again.
Eddie jumped up and put his arms around me.
Eddie: It's okay princess, I'm right here, It's okay.
I held his arm tight as I was shaking and trying to breath normally again.
Eddie: What happened?
Y/n: I have been having really bad dreams lately.
Eddie: What are they about?
Y/n: I don't exactly know.
Eddie: Do you want to talk about it?
Y/n: Alright, I keep having these scary dreams about well... You.
Eddie: Me?
Y/n: Yeah, I have a dream where we are in a flower field and then we are in a scary place with a red sky. There are these scary bats there that always chase us and they kill you.
Eddie: It's not real, It's just a dream.
Y/n: Im not so sure about that Eddie, I have been having these dreams about you before I moved here and didn't even know it was you.
Eddie: Do I just die?
Y/n: You used to just stand in the flower field and talk to me but now that I moved to Hawkins I get these weird vision like things.
Eddie: Was I at least handsome in your dream?
I smiled at him.
Y/n: Yes you were very handsome.
Eddie: I knew it.
Y/n: Eddie, I also seen Chrissy die in this trailer.
Eddie: What happened to her?
Y/n: She was in a trance like thing and then she started levitating. Then her bones started snapping and she just collapsed to the floor and I heard you screaming.
Eddie: I'm sorry you have been having these dreams princess, You know what you need, Some good ol weed.
Y/n: Weed, Really?
Eddie: It will take your mind off of everything.
Y/n: That would help but doesn't that stuff mess you up?
Eddie: I smoke weed, Do I look messed up?
I stared at Eddie for a while before bursting into laughter.
Eddie: What's so funny?
Y/n: Your face, You do look messed up!
Eddie: What is that supposed to mean?
Eddie started to play fight with me.
Y/n: Nothing you just look more wrinkled.
Y/n: Yeah.
Eddie ran up to his mirror.
Eddie: I do not!
I started laughing at him again.
Y/n: Why do I need weed when I have you?
Eddie: Are you saying you get high off of me.
Y/n: Yeah, I guess I do.
Eddie started laughing and then pulled out a box from his closet.
Eddie: Do you want to at least try some?
He got some weed and started rolling up a joint. He put it in his mouth and lit it.
Eddie: I can teach you how to properly smoke.
Y/n: Just one time.
Eddie took 1 hit of the joint and took it out of his mouth passing it to me.
Eddie: Here, Put in in between your lips like a cigarette and sucked slightly for 5 seconds then take it out of your mouth and blow it out.
I did as he said and started coughing.
Y/n: Jeez, How can you stand that?
Eddie started laughing at me as I gave him the joint back. He continued smoking it and got high.
Eddie: Fuck, It's to early for this.
Y/n: Well you did it to yourself.
I went to get up but Eddie grabbed my waist and sat me back down.
Eddie: Where do you think your going princess?
Y/n: Away from all this smoke.
Eddie: Can you stay with me please.
Y/n: I'm not going to leave you I was just going to the living room or something.
Eddie looked at me with his big brown eyes.
Y/n: Can you remember anything from when you high.
Eddie: I don't know.
Y/n: I'm going to assume not so I'm going to tell you a little secret.
Eddie: Ooooh, What's the secret?
Y/n: You know how I said you were in my dreams.
Eddie: Yeah.
Y/n: You we're always telling me weird things.
Eddie: Like what?
Y/n: Like how we were destined to be together and how we are soulmates, You even called me your love.
Eddie's face went a little red.
Eddie: Really?
Y/n: Yeah.
Eddie: I could have told you that out of the dream to.
I looked at him confused.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Eddie: I have always liked you and knew you were the one ever since we were kids.
Y/n: WHAT!?
Eddie looked at me with wide eyes and smiled.
Eddie: Yeah, I love you y/n.
Y/n: Love?
Eddie: Oh shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud.
Eddie loved me?

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