Chapter 2

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I walked through a field of flowers and seen the tall man standing in front of me looking at the town.
Tall man: It's beautiful out here isn't it.
I walked up next to him and looked up at him.
Y/n: It looks a lot better than I remember.
He turned to face me and grabbed my hands. He looked down at me with his big brown eyes.
Tall man: You look really beautiful today my love.
Y/n: Are you sure I'm your love?
Tall man: Of course I know my y/n anywhere.
Y/n: How do you know my name?
Tall man: Because I know you.
Y/n: We have met before?
Tall man: Im sad you don't remember me but we will soon meet again.
Y/n: We will?
Tall man: Yes princess we will.
He hugged me tight as he slowly disappeared and left me alone then I woke up to my alarm. I got up and brushed my hair and teeth. I changed my clothes and went downstairs.
Mom: I didn't have time to make breakfast so you can just grab some cereal or something.
Y/n: Okay, I love you.
Mom: I love you to.
My mom rushed out of the house to go to work and I made myself some cereal. The house phone started ringing and I picked it up.
Dustin: Hey y/n big news!
Y/n: What's up?
Dustin: Corroded Coffin is performing tonight and we are all going to be there so do you want to come?
Y/n: Eddie's in that band right?
Dustin: Yeah, Why else would I want to go if Eddie wasn't in it?
Y/n: I guess I can go.
Dustin: You don't sound to excited.
Y/n: I'm scared to see him again.
Dustin: I'm sure he missed you.
Y/n: I guess we will find out tonight.
Dustin: Cool I will get Steve to pick you up.
Y/n: Okay thanks.
I hung up the phone, Got my car keys and drove to school.

After school:
I went back home and finished my homework just on time before I heard the doorbell ringing.
I ran downstairs and opened the door.
Y/n: Hey Steve, Let me get my shoes and I will be right out.
Steve: Okay.
Steve stood there like he was trying to look cool but failed miserably.
Y/n: Okay let's go.
Steve took me, Dustin, Robin, And Nancy to the place that corroded coffin was playing at.

We finally made it to a building that looked like an old barn. I got out of the car and went inside with Dustin in front of me.
Dustin: You know I think he would really love to see you again.
Y/n: I'm nervous, I feel bad for ignoring him like I did but my mom made me.
Dustin stopped beside me and put his hands on my shoulders.
Dustin: Calm down y/n, It's going to be okay I promise.
Y/n: Okay.
I held Dustin's hand as we walked inside. I seen a lot of young girls and some men to but it was mostly girls.
Dustin: Woah this place is crowded.
Speaker man: Next up is Corroded Coffin!
I watched as a bunch of guys walked on stage and started preforming.
Y/n: Which one is Eddie?
Dustin: You don't recognize him?
Y/n: No.
I looked at the guys more closely and seen the one with long hair was the man that kept appearing in my dreams. Dustin looked at me as I looked shocked.
Dustin: Are you okay?
Y/n: That's the guy that keeps appearing in my dreams!
Dustin: Which one?
Y/n: The one with the long hair!
Dustin: That one is Eddie.
I gave Dustin an even more shocked face.
Dustin: Yeah.
I looked at Eddie again and started to see the similarities from what he looked like before.
Y/n: He looks so different.
Nancy: That's the guy I was talking about, The leader of the hellfire club.
Y/n: He is the leader?
Nancy: Yeah I didn't want to mention it was him before.
He looked over at Dustin and then seen me and then his facial expression changed, He looked confused yet happy. He let out a cheeky smile and then continued performing.
Dustin: I think he saw you.
Y/n: Did he look mad to you?
Dustin: No.
The performance was soon over and I just stared in awe the entire time as Eddie played his guitar, He looked so good and he played really well. We all went outside as I sat on Steve's car shivering.
Steve: Here take my jacket.
Steve put his jacket on me and put his arm around my shoulder.
Dustin: Eddie is coming!
Me and Steve jumped off the car as Eddie walked towards us.
Dustin: You did awesome!
Eddie: Thanks man.
Steve: Hey Eddie, You did great.
Eddie: Thanks.
Y/n: Great job Ed's.
Eddie looked at me and stared for a second then smiled.
Eddie: Y/n?
Y/n: Hey Ed's, It's been a while.
My cheeks started to turn red as Eddie made me slightly nervous.
Eddie: Yeah it has, How have you been.
Y/n: It has been tough but I'm glad to be back.
Dustin: Umm guys let's go on a walk or something and leave them alone.
Nancy: Great idea.
They all left me and Eddie alone.
Eddie: I've missed you.
Y/n: I have missed you to Eddie.
Eddie gave me a hug, It felt the same as in the dream. It was warm and comfortable. I wanted it to never end but it did. Eddie pulled away from the hug and looked at me with big big brown eyes.
Eddie: We should hang out tomorrow after school.
Y/n: Okay, I'm looking forward to it.
I forced a smile at Eddie and we started walking back to his van.
Eddie: See you tomorrow!
Y/n: Bye Eddie.
I sat on Steve's car as I waited for him to come back. I looked at my hands and twiddled my thumbs. I thought about what to tell Eddie if he ever asked me why I left him without an explanation, Why I abandoned him. I felt so bad, I cried for days, Weeks even, After I moved away because I missed Eddie to much. I missed Steve and Nancy to but Eddie always understood me, We did everything together and then it all crashed and burned. I thought of 100 different excuses and then realized there was no point in lying, I didn't care what my mom said I had to tell him the truth before I could lose him again. I just had to think of a good time to tell him.

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