Chapter 15

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Two weeks have passed and I was still a mess. I haven't been eating and I have been crying myself to sleep every night. I have seen glimpses of Eddie but it was just my imagination. I have been using my power to let me see Eddie again but always break down after.
Mom: Sweetheart you have to get out of bed.
Y/n: Why?
Mom: Just go on a walk or something you have been cooped up in this from for 2 weeks. Go take a shower and change your clothes.
Y/n: Ugh, Fine.
I slowly got out of my bed and looked in the mirror I jumped when I seen my reflection.
Y/n: Woah, I look horrible!
I locked myself in the bathroom and turned the shower on. I took my clothes off and seen myself in the mirror. I realized how bad I had gotten. I had lost weight and I was weak. I had random bruises all over my body and I looked pale. I got in the shower and let the warm water sooth my body. I had been in the shower for a while and finally finished cleaning myself. I got out and dried myself off. I put my clothes on, Dried my hair and brushed it. I had a hoodie and leggings on. I got out of the bathroom and grabbed my car keys.
Mom: Where ar e you going to go?
Y/n: I'm just going to drive around.
Mom: Okay, Stay safe.
I left the house, Got in my car and started driving. I somehow found my way to the flower field. I parked my car and got out. I stood in place as I remembered when we were playing out here. I started crying again and walked up to where Eddie usually stands in my dreams. I looked over the town and seen it was cloudy yet bright as it is in my dreams, I even seen a rainbow form in the sky.
Y/n: I miss you Eddie.
I then heard something behind me. I looked back but there was nothing there then I looked back to the town and seen a tall figure standing in front of me. I jumped back and hit the ground. I looked up and seen it was Eddie.
Y/n: Eddie?
Eddie: Hey princess, I missed you!
I stared at him in disbelief. He was Eddie but he looked different. His skin was lighter, He was pale. He also talked different.
Eddie: Are you okay?
I reached out and poked him, When my hand actually touched him instead of going through him I jumped up and hugged him.
Y/n: Your real?
Eddie: Of course I'm real!
Y/n: Your not dead?
Eddie: No, I not.
Y/n: But I seen your body.
Eddie: I think I did die for a little while but I came back.
Y/n: How?
Eddie: Princess death couldn't keep me away from you.
This is when I realized what the dream meant when he said the flower field is where we realized we were soulmates, Not even death could keep us apart so it must me true. Eddie smiled at me revealing he had fangs.
Y/n: Fangs?
Eddie: I don't know what those things did to me but I feel different.
I reached up and touched his face.
Y/n: Your very cold.
I opened his mouth with my fingers and looked at his fangs again.
Y/n: I like them!
Eddie: You do?
Y/n: Yeah they make you look cool.
Eddie smiled at me and hugged me as I started to tear up again.
Y/n: I love you Eddie!
Eddie: I love you to princess.
Y/n: Do the others know?
Eddie: No, I came to you first.
I put my hand on Eddie's cheek and looked at his eyes. A smile grew on my face as he leaned in to kiss me. Our lips met and it felt like our first kiss again and we started making out. I kept feeling his fangs and they felt a little pointy. I pulled away to breath and Eddie started to kiss down my neck making me giggle until he bit into my skin.
Y/n: Eddie, Your hurting me!
Eddie quickly stopped as he realized what he was doing.
Eddie: I'm so sorry princess I didn't mean to.
I touched my neck and where he bit it and seen blood all over my fingers. I gave Eddie a worried look as he looked guilty and sad.
Eddie: Im so sorry...
Y/n: It's okay.
Eddie: Let's get to your house before it gets worse.

I drove me and Eddie to my house and seen my mom was gone. We went inside the house and I seen a note on the fridge saying " Had to leave for work, Love you -mom". I put the note back and led Eddie upstairs to my bedroom.
Eddie: I like your room, It's cozy.
Y/n: Yeah, It's messy right now though.
I went to the bathroom and cleaned my neck up leaving Eddie in my bedroom. When my neck was fully cleaned up I went back to my room and seen Eddie was reading something. I walked up behind him and seen he was reading my diary.
Y/n: Hey!
Eddie jumped a little and looked up at me with tears in his eyes.
Y/n: Why are you crying?
Eddie: I didn't know you felt this strongly about me.
Y/n: Of course I do.
I sat down beside him and wiped the tears from his face.
Y/n: I love you so much Eddie and when I seen you dead on the floor my whole world fell apart, I didn't even get to say goodbye.
Eddie: Did Dustin tell you what I said?
Y/n: No.
Eddie: I told him to tell you that I loved you more than anything in the world.
Y/n: He never told me.
Eddie: That ass.
I laughed as Eddie started to hugged me and we fell onto the bed.

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