Spencer X Cecilia

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"She is very hot," thought Spencer Bauman to himself. He had just witnessed Cecilia Lang honking Grace Gillanders's boobies. He thought wildly about what what to say, Cecilia had begun to walk his way. He thought of different conversation subjects that had worked in the past, Barbra Bauman, Orangutans, his brother Carter..... no none of those seemed right. Instead of engaging directly with Cecilia he turned to her Dutch brother— Elijah Lang, OHMI's fruitiest tenor, he was looking particularly scrumptious today, he had his sister's Adidas shorts on, an almost fully unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt, and off brand loafers on. His Carmel curls fell gracefully on his forehead, almost fully obscuring his dark Romanian eyebrows. Spencer abruptly blurted, "you're looking mighty cocklishious today." Cecilia suppressed a snicker as Elijah visibly blushed. Spencer had had very few female interactions in his lifetime but nevertheless he turned to Cecilia, sighed, and dove into conversation. He started off with a generic topic, what's your favorite type of monkey? he altered. As she responded he made steady eye-contact with her chest. Ah yes, I also like golden monkeys! He was getting into his groove, did you know that golden monkeys are very sexually active? He had actually spent a good portion of the morning watching in-depth YouTube videos about primates, so he was on his game. This was not the first time Cecilia had been wooed, the likes of Matthew Schott and Ethan had also tried their luck. She saw Spencer as a friend, and nothing more. She would try her hardest not to lead him on. But it would be tough to turn away kind hearted Spencer. Spencer knew that his chances were slim but nevertheless he persisted. Cecilia had the best ass in OHMI in his opinion, and he wouldn't stop till he got a piece of that.

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