Matt Hagen X Ruby

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Matt Hagan stood in the corner making a beat with an inkjoy pen and plastic trash can. Rata-tat-tuh-tat-tuh-rata. He was a drummer through and through. He looked up from his work to see Ruby Donovan bounding across the stage into Elijah Lang's outstretched arms, he smelled her perfume and chills ran down his spine right into his penis. She was gorgeous he thought to himself, everything about her was dazzling. From the buoyant ringlets in her artificially red hair to her slightly misaligned front teeth which only made her smile more perfect somehow. He was enthralled. He had conflicted feelings about her, he had never seen any side of her except for her exceptional humor. Everyone around her was always smiling and laughing about some comment she'd made like: "What if my dick slipped inside you," or repeating her phrases in an uncanny ruby impression. She was contagious, and her posse even started to look like her. he unfolded his feelings he heard a chorus of "no no no no nos" coming from the other side of the stage. He had recently made his way into the cool OHMI group. In part because Spencer, Cecilia, and Rex found him immensely hot, and even considered him the hottest Matthew in OHMI, and in part because his quiet demeanor helped to balance out the obnoxious and extroverted friend group. Ruby saw Matt Hagan staring in her direction around stage, she quickly looked down in embarrassment, she knew he was looking at her behind and she felt both proud and confused. She hadn't known Matt Hagan had existed until graduation. His burgundy robes only accentuated his Matt Ugo-esque curves. His Arian appearance was superbly captivating. She thought he was adorable, a reasonable conclusion. He made her think of John Deere tractors and the dentist from Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer for whatever reason. Whenever Matt Hagan drifted past Ruby, her heart melted like a Choco taco left in the sun.

 Whenever Matt Hagan drifted past Ruby, her heart melted like a Choco taco left in the sun

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