The Last

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Six months later.

Saundra haven’t visited the Dreaming again. Probably won’t be in a very long time because she would be too tired after a long day, every day.

She was now the oldest of the children in the house. All the other older children either died of sickness because of the unhygienic house they had to live in, or one or two of the lucky ones got chosen to go to a new, loving home with a loving family.

Now that she was oldest it also meet that she had more responsibilities around the house. In other word she was the head slave of the house. More chores and every Saturday she had to follow Mr Slouch around town to get groceries and anything else if needed, but he always liked to make extra stops at non- child friendly places.

Then Saundra has to either wait outside in the howling cold or sometimes the places he would visit wasn’t too bad for a 11 year old to wait inside for.

And most of the times, that would be the pub in town. Full of drunk men and women, screaming at each other to try and have civil conversations and wasting their money.

Saundra would sit in the corner of the pub. The owner was nice enough to give her a place to safely sit, where she could keep an eye on her, while her “father” would start drinking.

Most of the time she would just laugh at all the people and there stupidly funny actions. But recently someone stole her attention. She heard stories in the pub that the man had a knighthood, rich and very gracious with his money. So of course, everyone tried to get into his good graces. 

He had a big table, by the window, filled with wine, food and desserts. Most of the time he wouldn’t even eat a quarter of the food in his plate but he would always have the whole table full of food.

One night, Saundra sat in her corner, watching a man in the pub talking about his poetry and Play writing, he recited some of his poems for the pub. He was an interesting man, with an interesting mind. 

But soon she couldn’t keep her attention on the poetic man. The hunger started to eat her up inside. All that she could focus on was the rich man, enjoying his food, when she haven’t had something to eat in two days because they had to ration their food back at home. So instead of eating her own portion of food, she divided it in to four, for the younger children to eat.

She saw that the rich man was too busy listening to the stories that the poetic man was telling. So she came up with a plan to steal one of the chicken pieces while he was distracted.

She sneaked off her chair and walked as much as she could in the dark corners of the pub to get where she wants to be, unnoticed.

She stopped right behind the rich man and snooped up to the table. She had to be quick because the table was one of the places that was greatly lit by candles.

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