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Lisa walked through the door and saw Jennie standing near the couches with her arms folded and phone in one hand.

"Hey hun" Lisa said to her with a smile. She didn't answer or even look at lisa.

Lisa repeated yourself in case she didn't hear liaa or was distracted. "Hey, baby how was-" lisa got cut off

"who is she?" jennie asked with a sterm look on her face.

"What are you talking about babe?"lisa asked her.

"Don't bullshit me you know what I am talking about'' she snapped.

"Hun..calm down and answer my question. wnat are you talking about?"lisa said as calmly as possible.

"First don't fucking tell me to calm down and second, I was scrolling through Instagram today and I found a picture of you and another girl." She flipped around the phone to show but she flipped it back quickly.

Lisa was about to speak but she was Cut off once again."Now for the last time who the fuck is she?" Lisa were becoming pissed off.

"I would have told you a minute ago but you didn't let me fucking speak so I tell you now. That girl you see with me is Rosé and my cousin which I'm close to and she came all the way from her home town just to come and see me, so don't get pissed at me for hanging with some who is family plus I didn't even think you would be so worked up about this cause I don't get jealous when u hug Kai or anybody else." lisa walked away from her heading to their room when Lisa felt jennie pull on the back at Lisa's hoodie

"Wait baby wait, I'm sorry" Pissed at her, lisa turmed around and glare her straight in the eyes and said

"For what? Shouting at me? Being angry with me? pissed off at the fact I hugged my cousin? Or thinking that someone who loves you and is loyal to you would go and cheat? yeah, thats what Ithought now leave me alone' Lisa pulled away from her and continued to climb the stairs

"IM SCARED OF LOSING YOU." Lisa turned around to look at jennie.

"im scared of losing you baby. I'm scared
you'll leave me for someone better or someone with a normal life. that's why I was pissed at you because I was scared. If's because of what happened with kai that I'm afraid." lisa felt guilty now.really guilty.

Lisa walked back down the stairs and looked down at jennie with tears that filled her eyes.

"jennie, hun I wouldn't leave you for anything or anyone believes me. I would never walk out of this life for some other life that I could fucking hate. When I met you, I instantly fel in love with and I'm still falling more and more every day. Yeah, you're right dating a celeb who
is at a constant battle with hate is hard but Im here to help you get through it, and meeting you and being able to call you mine is the best thing thats happened to me" Lisa cupped her hands on her cheeks and wiped away the tears that fell.

Lisa kissed her on the neck and mumbled ''No matter what shit happens !l always love you''. She smiled a tiny bit before saying to lisa

"I'm sory for yelling at you, you were right to say how you trust me with Kai as it wasn't fair for me to be pissed at you like that."

"its ok baby I know you didn't mean for it to happen like that and can I tell you something?."

''Sure love"she cooed

"Well, when you were pissed at me I was kind  of glad that you reacted the way you did'". she gave me a puzzled look before asking "Wait WHAT!."

"I know it sounds stupid because I was pissed but when you were angry it showed how protective you were of me and how much you cared about being with me". She giggled a bit
and pulled lisa into a hug.

"Yeah, thats because nobody takes my baby from me". Lisa stroked her hair and kissed her cheek before saying "I'm yours and only yours hun"

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