Mania Twins | Part 3

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When I entered the room I immediately saw Lisa lying on my bed I approached her and put myself in her top

"wake up" I said she immediately woke up she sat down and leaned her back on my bed so i am now in her lap

"hey, sorry I fell asleep" she said

"you must be tired then"

"Yeah because I visited the orphanage"

"just by yourself?"

"i-ah no I'm with a friend"

"who is this friend?" Because I know her friends is busy at work this kind of day

"oh s- he- he just came from Thailand and he also likes to visit children so I went with him to visit the orpans"

"You're so good at lying Lisayah" she was surprised by what I said

"Do you think I will never know what you do every day?"

"so you are wrong" And I immediately slapped her

"answer me lisa!"

"l-let me explain jennie"

"What you think is wrong, Because when I go there, ruby jane is already there"

I slapped her  again when I heard something i don't want her to say in front of me

"Didn't I say I don't want you to mention her name in front of me!"

"i-im sorry jen, please believe me, I don't know that she's there"

"You don't know, but why you come out together then"

"do you really think that you can fool me?" I glared at her and touched her neck.

"jennie it's just a coincidence you don't have to act this way and you're hurting me" Lisa said and wanted to leave but I pulled her hand, I noticed to Lisa that when we talked like this she always wanted to leave this bitch

"where are you going?"

"Give me time to think jennie"

"What time are you asking for Lisa, I can give all my time to you"

"or you just want my sister time huh?"

"Are you crazy Jennie, why do you have to be like this"

"because you're the reason why I'm like this Lisa, you made me do it"

"what are you talking about"

I didn't respond to what she said because I immediately hit her on the head

She doesn't listen to me anymore so I'd better just lock her up for myself because if I didn't do it yet, maybe my twin will continue to snatch her from me

I pulled her to my secret hiding place only here in my room I knew we would get to the point where this was the situation so I already prepared it in the beginning

I tied her to my bed just here in my secret room, Lisa didn't know about this kind of room in my own room because when the opportunity came I would lock her here

No one can take her away from me even her family.


I woke up not because of the noise but the person sitting on me?

What the hell is happening all I remember is that I left Jennie's room but something hit my head?


"good thing you're awake because I don't want to do it alone"

"what the hell Jennie, what is this Why am I stuck here!" What is happening to me why is this happening to me

" What are you doing to me Jennie, let me go"

"nope, For what else if I let you go?, just to flirt with my twin? Well not anymore, you'll be just here until I want to"

"w-what?" I'm confused I just want to think and leave but why my faith lead here

I looked at my surroundings and I was shocked because there were strange things here

There are so many different types of whips

"a-are you crazy jennie"

"let me go"

"no lisayah"

"What's going on here"  I was surprised to hear another voice

And I was even more surprised when I recognized that voice

"what are you doing here rj?"

"Why am I not allowed here?, I just want to see Lisa if she's okay"

"i-im not okay here please ruby jane help me" I begged to say that to her but she just approached me and suddenly kissed me

"hey"Jennie pushed her away

"You really have the courage to do that to her while i'm here!"

"You know I've been wanting to do that for a long time right sis"

"y-you why are you doing this to me!"

"let me out, ruby jane what is this?"

"I'm sorry Lisa but I have to do this so you can't leave me" she caressed my cheek at the same time


"Do you think we will never know that you are planning to leave Korea?" jennie said, I was surprised by what she said, yes I was planning to leave Korea because my cousin called me that my father's illness is getting worse

"You won't understand I have to leave because my father's illness is getting worse i have to be there!" I can't stop crying because of my situation

"i do understand but what if you'll fall for another girl or boy there huh"

"so we both decided that no"

"you're not going anywhere"

a/n: sorry for this late update

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