Love Can Hurt You Too

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You can read that there's a two person named lisa and jennie are fighting over something that the other one don't know about, but how would she know when the brunette girl didn't told her?

Here's the story why they fought, jennie came home drunk like a super and the other one(L) offer that jennie should eat something because she's too drunk but jennie don't want to, so lisa here said that.

"you don't want to eat?, then take a nap I'll just feed you when you're sober" lisa said carefully but why carefully?

After lisa said that she arranged the food that jennie does not want to eat, so lisa arrange it, but then she heard a loud blog from jennie this is lisa's most unwilling to Jennie doing when she's drunk a violent one.

That's why lisa is so careful on what she's going to say to jennie when she's(J) drunk

Before Jennie is not like this when she's drunk she just sleep but now she became a violent one she's not answering lisa, just throwing their equipment from their house like base, TV, the couch that she will kick it nonstop, and there's lisa who keep crying why Jennie doing that, Jennie become a monster when she's drunk, you know she is kind like every of their friends know that but when she's drunk everything changed about her, lisa always asking her.

"Why did you do that jennie are you always gonna be like this on the rest of your life? Is doing this to become your happiness? I'm tired with this jennie, I'm here at home 24/7 like you want it to, then you came home drunk? You didn't even want to say anything what's your problem is, I'm not your punching bag here jennie, I have a feelings too"

"all of you are traitors, liars, stupid, worthless person all of you" jennie said in drunken words, lisa got hurt of course who wouldn't be, that jennie her lover said that to her, Jennie isn't like this when she's sober

"why are you doing this to me why, I didn't do anything jennie I do what you want me to do I always do jennie but don't make me fool, feels stupid jennie"

"THEN LEAVE, YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME?, LEAVE I DON'T WANT YOU HERE LEAVE ME LALISA, ALL OF YOU LEAVE ME" jennie shout it to lisa, you know what's funny thing is?, if Jennie is now sober she'll never remember what she said when she's drunk hurtful for lisa isn't?

But then lisa love her the fact that lisa keep fooling herself for awhile now

Lisa don't know why Jennie become like this she's been hurting her feelings and jennie doesn't even know that

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