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Lisa's Pov

Jennie and I are going strong since we're in our five years relationship but these days we are extremely busy with our own careers and we don't have that much time to each other but we know that we should understand that like in our five years together we're really understanding each other since then you know

But today is the worst day ever these days we fight and fight not making effort to be okay after fight because maybe we are really tired to our career that we can't even make a effort.


"yes?" I answered I didn't know that she's here though

"did you see the blue print here? Did you throw it? Or touch it!?"

"what no, why would I?"

"I'm just asking though"

"yeah but in that tone in your voice is like you're accusing me jen"

"tsk, whatever, I'm going now, don't get out anymore lisa"

"and where you going?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"So I don't have right to know where you are going now?"

"ugh just somewhere okay"

"I'm leaving too then"

"what?, no lisa you stay here"

"do I need your permission?"

"Lisa stay here, if I got here and you're not here you know what will happen" when she said that I shut my mouth because I don't want that to happened again.

Jennie is kind, angel they say but the truth is she's a devil inside I know that I don't know what happened with her but she changed I don't know her anymore its not like I sabotaging her image but that's the truth

When our relationship becomes longer and longer she become violently and she also has this problem like a panic attack, anxiety over thinking about this and that

Then I became her possession she don't want me to get out of her sight i always obeying happily to her.


It's already 3am in the morning and guess what jennie is not yet here where the hell is she? I try contacting her but she's not answering maybe I should follow her? But I don't even know where she was, should I call her friends yeah right




: Lisa?

: hey I'm just worried about jennie it's already 3am and she's not here yet uh do you know where she was?

: jennie is not there yet? I'm with her earlier she said that she's on way home

: b-but she's not here, can you please contact her Irene? I'm getting worried

: okay lisayah calm down and wait for her there okay

: please Irene I'm getting worried she's not even answering my calls

: okay I'll hang up now and call her okay

: yeah thank you

Oh my God where the hell are you jennie

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