What About Us?

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Lisa's PoV

"Hey! This is Jennie. You know what to do." her voice sounded over the phone, a beep followed.

For fucks sake...

I buried my face in my hands and looked up, tears threatening to leave my eyes. All of a sudden the door opened.

"Mama, are you okay?" he asked me worriedly.

"I'm fine, bud" I tried to fake a smile while wiping my nose with my sleeve.

He walked over to me and reached his arms out to me, signaling for me to pick him up.

"Where's mommy?" he asked me curiously.

"She's..she's busy, baby." I smiled at him.

"She's always busy." he pouted.

"I know, baby. I know. Mommy just
loves her job"I kissed his cheek.

"Does she love her job more than us?" he asked me.

I could hear that he genuinely meant it and wanted to know if that was really the case, but that question made my heart shatter. A three your old shouldn't have to think about questions like that. I promised myself my children would
never have to go through that train of thought because of my own childhood experience.

I failed.

"No, baby. She doesn't. She loves you so much, bubba." I leaned my forehead against his.

"Does she love you?" he asked me while grabbing my face. I looked at my wedding ring and played with it. Then I looked up at him and nodded while smiling, tears starting to form.

"Don't cry, mama." he pouted. "Come! I want to show you my car collection." he jumped off my lap and headed out of our bedroom.

I followed him to his playroom.

"Tada" he spread his arms. "Wow! That's amazing buddy" I sat down next to him on the carpet.

"Look." he showed me his race track.

"That's really cool, bud." I smiled.

"This car looks like uncle Taehyung's car" he showed a blue truck to me.

"lt sure does, bud."1 hugged him.

All of a sudden my phone started ringing. It was


"Yeah?"I picked up slightly annoyed. "Hi,
baby!" she greeted. I recognized that tone. "You promised, jen..." my lips quivered. "I know, baby. I know." she sighed. "it's just... a lot of work. I need to get this project done. I promise I'll make it up to you." she said. "No... no, Jennie!
Sex is not going to fix this!" I almost screamed through the phone.

"Sex!" Liam repeated. "Shit. No, Liam. You can't say that, baby. It's a bad word:" I told him sternly.

"Shit!" he repeated. "No..." I started. "Is that Liam? Let me talk to him." Jennie interrupted me.

I gave the phone to Liam. I couldn't hear jennie's voice. "Hi, mommy" he smiled. "I forgive you, mommy "Kay kay" "Love you." he handed the phone back to me.

"You promised, rubyjane. You promised you would be here to spend time with us." I gritted my teeth. "I know, baby. I promise l'l make it up to the both of you." I sighed at this. "Okay. I'll see you. Bye." "Bye, my love. I love you so much."I hung up.

"Are you mad at mommy?" Liam asked me.

"No, buddy. It's.. Iet's just play, okay?" I smiled at him while playing with his hair.

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