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Before all of these events starts, there once was a boy, a normal boy who was born into this world. However, his predicament is complicated.

As a child, he suffered from an unknown disease that leaves him pale and weak, causing him to be subjected to bullying since kindergarten. But, that won't be a problem due to his childhood friend, who always help him and be by his side since then.

Until, one event sets them apart. During the start of high school, his childhood friend set her eyes on a rich kid playboy who is also happen to be the boy's bully. So he warns his friend to be careful around the bully.

Only for her to ridicule and belittle him, and left him to his misery altogether. Soon everything regressed back to where he was in kindergarten; a victim of bullying.

But that one event gives him a reality check, that he himself relies too much on his former friend, to the point she had enough. So because for that, he start to find his own personal growth, to leave his comfort zone in pursuit of his meaning of life.

And so, he start to become more active, learning from his mistakes, and become one of the most successful students in the span of only one year, in contrast to who he is before that. While he does miss his friend, he no longer regard her like he did before.

He continues on further by learning more. Arts, self-defense, esotericism, spirituality and many more. He almost considered as a polymath.

But he always one step behind his bully, who's better than him in almost every way. Another obstacle in his life is that this time he was looked at with disgust by almost all the girls for a reason that has yet to be clear. Until he found out about a rumor of him doing unspeakable things to girls.

One rumor. Just one rumor doomed him. His life falls before his own eyes, as he got expelled due to it, his family abandoned him, and the people looked at him with disgust the moment they see him.

He wanted to be angry, he wanted to let it all out. But he can't blame them. Now that his life was over, he was left alone to his own misery, and the sickness he suffered since kindergarten finally start catching up to him. It was until he found out that it was heart cancer. To think he still hold on for seventeen years is a miracle in itself, and the fact that he has no known symptoms for it save for shortness of breath and chest pains means that he still have time left.

He couldn't fulfill his meaning of life to live, might as well live to the fullest.

Words among the streets says that whenever a problem arises, a looming figure appears, and the problem has been fixed before anyone knows it.

In the span of two years, the boy matured, and had a somewhat illegal job in the underworld, where he's an unlicensed doctor that help making cybernetics for those who lost their limbs. And at nighttime, he's a solo vigilante, fighting the criminals and save the innocents.

But, it seems that after that, the cancer finally catch up to him completely.


We now see the boy, with lean but muscular build as he put on the ICU, while the doctor checked on his heart.

"Oh've reached the last stage of hear cancer....I'm....sorry...."

The boy open his eyes, looking a little sad. "I see..."

"It's miracle that you're still alive even with cancer for seventeen years. You have contribute a you have something to say before you go...."

He was just staring there, not going to say anything. But after a while, he finally said it. "There's nothing I had to say. My job here is done.......I have done enough."

Story of the Dark Knightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن