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Name: Yukisaki Y/n


Age: 19

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Age: 19

Personality: Y/n is often shown to be humble, good-humored, and often sarcastic and self-deprecating. His jovial, if somewhat-insubordinate nature allows him to easily befriend the many people he encounters, treating people of lower status as his equals. He is sometimes shown to be somewhat blasé, which has led him to offend the people around him or act without thinking of the consequences. However, he often reflects on this and is quick to apologize when he oversteps.

He is fiercely protective of his friends and loved ones, and goes out of his way to defend them with little regard toward status or societal expectations. He often leverages his own influence to improve the lives of others.

Due to his upbringing, he tend to have many insecurities and low self-esteems, which he only show to those who he trust.

Likes: Modes, Nyx, his loved ones

Hate: his family being put in danger, himself

Indifferent: Reiji and his girlfriends, Shirone, his real family.

Powers and Abilities

Stygian Wake: before his apparent reincarnation/isekai, he was blessed by an unknown god who took pity of the boy, gave him with the ability to revive himself when he died. The quirk of this ability is that once Y/n died, he left behind either a puddle or a pool of blood where he springs out of. The blood can never be evaporated by any means, not even magic can bypass or took advantage of its unique power.

Another quirk is that it also allows instantaneous teleportation to where he once died and revived. So theoretically, if he died everywhere in the world, he achieved the ability to be everywhere as he can teleport around the world.

Blood Sorcery: due to his affinity on Blood Magic, he's able to use magic to manipulate blood to his liking. And due to his hermetic knowledge, he's able to use it flexibly, able to achieve other affects other than using blood, through this power.

-Thaumaturgy: utilizing the hermetic principle, he adapted it to be fueled by his unique ability over blood. With this, he's able to use Alchemy, astrological magic and ever other kinds of magic so long as he can concentrate his will, forcing the power of his blood to unnatural ends.

Azure Abacus Meditation: Y/n's knowledge over Feng Shui allows him to perceive flows of magic and/or the earth essence around him through a mandala of blue rings, nine notched discs of silver-blue light that spin around his foes and himself in the mind's eye. This azure abacus becomes visible to all within its light if Y/n wish to, the silvery rings orbiting around the boy and his foes, aligning as he strike through it. Striking through this reticule mandala hones in on an enemy's weakest point, to the point they no longer function properly.

Mother Night's Embrace: a blessing giving to him by Nyx. It allows him to manipulate and blend into the night and darkness, where he's safe from harm as Nyx protect him.


- Almost Genius Intelligence

-Master Occultist

-Skilled Doctor

-Unnatural Skill over Martial Art

-Master Musician

- Master Engineer and Inventor (he made and revolutionized Cybernetics in his original world.)

-Complete Body Control

-Auto-Pilot Mode

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