The second rewrite

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Reds Pov:
After the shock of getting trampled and getting my phone stolen by someone. I stand back up and teleport to the AU that holds the Star Sans base. I teleport up to Ink's office and knock on the door.

The noise of rustling paper and the call of "Give me a moment!" And a pause.
"Okay you can come in now!" Ink calls out again.

I enter Ink's office, a messy place filled with art supplies and papers. There are what appear to be sketch plans hung up on strings I can tell because one of them accidentally smacks me in the head.

"Oh sorry for that." He apologizes then he sits down at his desk. "Sooo what's up?"

"i think i found yet another fucking undocumented sans." I spit out at him.

"Oooo interesting, what were they like? Did you get to talk to them?" He rambles off at me.

I roll my eyelights at his overexcited talking and I start to explain what happened to me to him. And once I said what I had to say Ink seemed to be confused so I just had to repeat myself.
"they might be another shitty glitch, like that bitch Error." I groan. And in response Ink freezes.

Inks Pov:
Another glitch. Did Error somehow figure out how to make more of himself? Did I accidentally make another Error without realizing it? How did this happen? Do they need help? Or are they dangerous? What do I do about this?
I realize that Red left because he slammed the door really loud and it interrupted my thoughts. After a while of thinking I came up with a plan. I will inform everyone about him and to apprehend him.

Blueberror Pov:
I sprint into the large clusters of trees[?] surrounding me trying my hardest to ignore the incessant ringing of the grey brick in my hands. After a while of running, I stopped due to exhaustion. I sit down in the cold powder adorning the floor and realize that I have no idea what is going on and the brick still won't stop ringing. I close my eyes and wait until it stops. Thankfully it does and once it quiets down I open my eyesockets to silence.

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