Side Character Quiz

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Which side character are you? By Book Owl. 

She sent me another letter today!!!! :)


1. You are described as:

a. Excitable, fun, bright, happy

b. Bossy-ish, fashionable, popular 

c. Social, good leader, loyal

d. Busy, productive, clever

e. kind, quiet, and determined

2. When you are bullied, you:

a. Can count on your friends to stick up for you.

b. Are too popular to be bullied.

c. Turn the meanness around and humiliate the bully. 

d. Ignore the bully.

e. Say something sassy and walk away

3. You spend your free time:

a. Hanging around your friends

b. Shopping with your friends

c. Trying something new

d. Self-improving

e. Learning about the world around you

4. Your favorite season is


b. Summer, you can go swimming and there's no school! 

c. Summer, just for the weather! It's so hot!

d. Fall, it's not too cold or too hot so I can just focus on doing what I have to do!

e. Spring, the flowers are so pretty when they bloom!

5. You like to eat...

a. Fruit

b. Seafood

c. Dried Food

d. Birds

e. Anything vegetarian. 

6. Your dream house is...

a. A treehouse in the jungle with my besties.

b. A mansion where I get chill, preferably near the ocean.

c. A cottage at an oasis with my people

d. A cabin in the woods with a great view of the sunset.

e. Somewhere small, with a garden

7. Pick one color:


b. Blue

c. Gold

d. Red

e. My friends have told me think green is nice

8. Your favorite school subject:

a. Clubs

b. Recess

c. I don't care


e. Lunch


Mostly As: Kinkajou

You are an extrovert, and always look forward to meeting new people. This makes you easy to talk to and easy to befriend. You have enough personality to go around.

Mostly Bs: Anemone

You're not bossy, you're are the boss. You like freedom and you hate when people hold you back. No one can mess with your life anymore. You've learned how to take control. 

Mostly Cs: Queen Thorn

You're outgoing and an advocate. If something's wrong, you'll be the one to fix it. You might need a push to help the people that haven't always stood by you, but you will always do what's right.

Mostly Ds: Queen Ruby

You are sometimes an overachiever but you just want to do the best you can at the end of the day. You just want to help everyone. And should everyone want that?

Mostly Es: Tamarin

You are shyer, and will spend some time alone. But you also need your friends to help you navigate the world. There are many sides to your personality, don't let anyone tell you want you can and can't do.

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