Chp 2. Sunrise

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povs are getting annoying and hard so yeah 😍
it's just gonna be like narrator pov now so enjoy

povs are getting annoying and hard so yeah 😍it's just gonna be like narrator pov now so enjoy

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The last thing Robin could remember was slowly putting his arm around Finney's waist and slowly drifting off to sleep.

Since it was a Saturday all the worry about school was gone. Yet both boys woke up so early that it was still dark, Finney woke up first. He felt Robin next to him, he panicked internally when he realized Robin has his arm around his waist. He didn't move or get up he just kinda laid there.

He didn't want this moment to end, but soon enough Robin woke up realizing he had placed his arm around Finney's waist before he dozed off.

"Robin are you awake" Finney whispered, "yes, good morning.." Robin mumbled. Robin realized that he had his hand around Finney's waist still. He quickly moved it.

"It's still dark but the sun is coming up, we should go watch the sunrise" Finney spoke.

"Sure sure just let me get up first" robin removed his hand from around Finney's waist and got up and walked to the bathroom. Finney just waited till Robin was done so he could go to the bathroom. Once they both had brushed their teeth and gone to the bathroom it was just about going to be time until the sun would start to rise.

Both boys walked outside to sit on the sidewalk and look up at the sun slowly rising. Finney knew that this would be one of the best memories ever.

Once the sun had set the boys walked back inside and robin thought it would be cool to cook breakfast together. "I can't cook for the life of me!" Finney replied after Robin spoke his idea. "Does it look like I can?" robin said. "well i guess all we can do is try" finney shrugged, they both laughed. "hmm let's see, how about pancakes!" robin said grabbing the box of pancake mix.

it seemed simple enough to make pancakes. "yeah those look easy" finney said almost reading robins mind. "okay so we need one egg and one cup of milk" robin said reading off the directions. "okay let's see milk...where is the milk here i found it!" finney spoke handing robin the milk. "and here is one egg" finney said bowing down and holding the egg in one hand and the other behind his back. "thanks" they both laughed. finney grabbed the bowl and the measuring cups and handed them to robin.

robin put all the ingredients in the bowl and started to mix it up with a whisk. finney put a pan on the stovetop and heated it up making sure to put butter on to make sure they didn't stick to the pan. once robin was done mixing he look the smallest measuring cup, scooped up some batter and let it flow out of the cup into the pan.

"they smell so good" finney spoke almost all the pancakes where made by now. robin pulled out two plates and gave each of them three pancakes

finney got maple syrup and drizzled it over his pancakes. robin wasn't the biggest fan of syrup so he just put butter on the top.

the both of them sat at robins dinner table and ate their pancakes. "dang robin you are a pretty good cook" finney said with half his mouth full of pancake. 

"i can barely understand you but thanks" robin laughed. they both wonder what else to do, robins mom wasn't home so they basically had the whole house to themselves.

robin thought it would be a good idea to turn on the radio, a good song came on so he turned it up a little louder

the song is : Puppet boy -DEVO | any song u want!

"this song is pretty good" finney said. "i know right it just came out!" robin said. robin ran up stairs for a second and grabbed some comics he thought it would be fun to read while listening to music. "finney i got comics pick one!" robin showed each on of his comics to finney waiting for him to pick one. finney picked the spider man one and robin picked his favorite the incredible hulk.

they both sat in robins living room listening to music and reading. finney thought to himself what a great weekend it had been so far.

but finney felt like he was always watching him. even though it had been almost a month since the grabber had went to jail with a life sentence. but something in finney was still scared. he'd cry almost every night sleeping alone or without a nightlight on, he had horrible nightmares.

but nothing had went wrong since he'd been with robin for the weekend, he felt safe and protected when he was with him. it was getting late and the time had passed by fast but finney didn't wanna leave.

"yo finn wanna see if you can stay over another night im sure my mom wouldn't care" robin said almost reading his mind. "yeah sure i'll call my dad" finney said while walking over to robin home phone. he turned the keypad and clicked in each number.

ring ring ring ring

"hello who is this" finneys dad spoke "it's finney im calling from robins phone, is it okay if i stay another night" finney asked. "yeah it's fine just be safe and behave" his dad said. "ok thanks bye dad!" finney put the phone back on the metal holder.

"he said i can!" finney says excitedly "sick do you wanna go up to my room and watch a movie?" robin said. "sure what movie though?" finney said. "texas chainsaw massacre obviously" robin said how did finney not know this. "we always watch that movieeee" finney said. "technically we've only watched it once but we are still gonna watch it!" robin spoke definitely not changing his mind.

"okay okay" finney said. they both walked up stairs so robin room, sat on his bed, had the same clothes on as last night and, turned on the movie.

but something was different this night.

finney felt like he was there, watching, waiting. but he tried to ignore it as best as possible. he didn't wanna freak himself out.

once the movie was about half way done finney was already fast asleep and so was robin. everything was fine, both of them where sleeping peacefully.


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