Chp 7. Bloody Hands

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Finney and Bruce were a giggling mess, if one of them said a simple word they would bust out in laughter!

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Finney and Bruce were a giggling mess, if one of them said a simple word they would bust out in laughter!

Both of them didn't know what was coming through...

Since the school day was ending Finney thought it would be a good time to pack up his stuff and get ready for dismissal. "See ya Bruce, we should hang out sometime!" Finney said walking out the door.
"Finn, wait!" Bruce called out, "yeah?" Finney turned around. "Can I walk with you out of school, I don't have many people that act talk to me," Bruce said kind of sadly.

"Oh, totally Bruce no worries at all you can always walk with me if you need!" Finney replied with a comforting smile.

"Thanks!" Bruce smiled                    (we all love bruce)

Bruce and Finney didn't talk about much walking it was just more of a comfortable silence. Robin had just gotten back from the bathroom and spotted Finney, with Bruce.

"Ugh, this fucking prick just wants to act like Finn's boyfriend or some shit!" Robin just practically saw red.

He was already having a shit day cause of this stupid kid, now he was trying to steal his BEST FRIEND?!?

This dude must have a big fucking ego, and Robin was gonna crush it into tiny pieces.

Pulling the knot on his bandanna to make sure it was tight and secure. Curling up his fists he speeds up to Bruce and Finney.

"HEY, BRUCE!" Robin yells.
                                                         Bruce turns his head.

The left side of Bruce's face is met with Robin's fist, falling back in shock Bruce stands back up.

"WHAT THE HECK MAN?" Bruce yelled angrily.

       "stay the fuck away from Finn." Robin glared at him ready to strike again any moment now.

Everyone was watching, Finney was scared and thought he didn't wanna see his friends fight.

"You can't tell me who I can and can't talk to! You act like he's your fucking Boyfriend?!?" Bruce yelled back

           "You are going to regret that Yamada."

Robin dove for Bruce, hands swinging, ripping off his backpack, he started to hit Bruce. Not even thinking straight at that point, just hitting him to hit him.

He wanted Bruce to feel pain, he didn't know why. Was he this jealous?

Lost in his thoughts his punches got sloppy. Bruce's face was covered in a mix of Robin's and his blood.

Finney couldn't take it anymore he dove in. Reaching to drag Robin away from the beaten-up boy.

The whole school was watching including Vance Hopper. Only seeing Bruce a couple of times he felt bad, he seemed like a sweet boy. Vance pushed his way through the crowd and picked Bruce up, carrying the bloody boy out of the school while everyone watched.

Finney had taken Robin with him walking out of school telling Donna to make sure Gwen got home safe.

Finney walked Robin home, it was the most uncomfortable silence. Finney was upset at Robin but knew he had to clean his wounds or Robin would just let them get infected.

Once they got into Robin's place, both of them went into the bathroom. Finney pulled out the first aid kit from the cupboard, taking out disinfectant wipes. "So Why the hell did you just start to swing at Bruce? He didn't do anything to you," Finney said angrily.

Robin had tears falling from his eyes, sniffing he mumbled. "I'm so fucking sorry i just got so mad." He flinched from the wipe cleaning his cut-up knuckles.

Finney never saw Robin cry. He knew it was something bigger, Robin wouldn't just fight someone over nothing.

He put the wrap and plasters on Robins's hands. He pulled him into a hug. He could never stay mad at Robin.

Finn spoke up "Please tell me what's wrong, I can't help if I don't know what's going on Robin."

Robin couldn't get his breathing under control he was a heaving and huffing mess. "Robin counts and breath with me," Finn suggests.

"1, in 2, out 3, in 4, out 1, in 2, out 3, in 4, out 1, in 2, out 3, in 4," Finn explained while Robin followed. His breathing was under control and he seem significantly calmer.

"Robin can we please just talk, I can't help if you don't tell me what is going on!" Finney said in a disappointed tone. " I mean you practically look like you wanna kill him every time he's even near me, SERIOUSLY ROBIN WHAT IS GOING ON IM TIRED OF THIS DUDE IM A KID, WE ARE KIDS, WE ARE IN 8TH GRADE THIS SHOULDN'T BE GOING ON!" Finney yelled, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

Finney never yelled, he was so sweet. But this whole thing with Bruce and Robin was just sad to see. He just wanted his friends to get along.

"I'm so sorry it's just" Robin started to speak. "ITS JUST WHAT? ANOTHER EXCUSE!" Finney stated tears spilling from his eyes.

Robin just stared at him, eyes red and tired from crying. He wanted to say so much, he wanted to comfort him and hug him. He loved Finney, he couldn't ignore that anymore.

But both boys were tired and broken.

"Finney i-its not another excuse, I-I-I would never mean to hurt you, I love you, Finn" Robin said nervously.

"You love me..?"

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