Millie's time (18+)

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This is after the concert, right before going to the festival, next couple of chapters will be catch-ups to where we are now with everything involving the harem and Y/n's dealio. 

You just got back from the studio, jamming out with the band in celebration about the concert, and how everyone reacted from your secret.


Y/n: "I'm a Fallen angel, cast out of heaven, and into hell."

The others looked at you with wide eyes, hearing of only the original Seven Sins being Fallen Angels, now there was an eighth in their midst.

Ace: "So this makes you dangerous or something?"

Kat: "Yeah, not really getting a gauge on exactly how bad it is."

You sighed, now having to go more in depth.

Y/n: "Okay, fine, when I was cast out, I went against orders, so they had their reason, but how they did it... let's just say, even Lucifer would cringe. They attacked me while I was prepping to leave, trying to rip away my wings, however, with one slash, they took a wing off, so I ran-"

Josh: "Wait, only one wing? so-"

Y/n: "Yes-"

You touched your left wing, feeling the celestial energy pulsing weakly.

Y/n: "This one is real, though I wouldn't touch it, it still has celestial energy on it, so it hurts a ton on contact with demonic entities."

Zeke: "Found out the hard way on that one."

Zeke sheepishly raised his hand, showing healing scorch marks, some areas on his palm still charred black.

Y/n: "However, when I was cast down, I believe I had gotten intercepted, but still landed in the Pride ring."

Ace: "Wait, so that whole lockdown that we thought was an early Exterminator visit; was you?"

You nodded your head, beginning to pace while telling your story, as you had a sudden urge to move about. 

Y/n: "When I came to, I was lying in an alley, only the bare essentials on me, shirt, pants, shoes, and that was it. I scavenged what food I could, but none filled my appetite, so I just resorted to sitting on a corner, staring at my new home..."

The others looked at you with sadness, being forced from your own home, and cast down into hell, it was a fate worse than death. However they had to wonder how you got this far, and with this kind of status.

You walked over to Vortex, tucking in your wings, and leaning your shoulder on the big guy.

Y/n: " 'Ol softy here saw me on a corner one day and..."

Flashback in a Flashback (Flashback-ception) 

Vortex was grabbing Coffee for Verosika's crew when he noticed you on the sidewalk, he seen you before, he just never paid any mind. He saw you looking dejectedly at everything, which was normal for a sinner, but your eyes and your being just seemed hollow and alone to him.

Vortex walked over.

Vortex: "Hey man, are you alright?"

He seemed to startle you, as it was the first person who spoke to you without being rude, of asking to get out of their way. 

Y/n: "U-Uhmm, yeah- no, No I don't think I'm okay."

Vortex looked at you curiously, you weren't an Imp, nor like a demon, but you definitely reeked of the place. 

Vortex: "Hey man, I got a place you can crash for a while, you can shower, eat a hot meal, but be sure to pay it back. Okay?"

You looked up with hopeful eyes, this was the first real chance you got, all the other demons just kicking and cussing at you.

I.M.P.'s new intern [Y/n X Helluva X Hazbin hotel]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon