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After the long night, you returned to the office, keeping your duffle bag in the car, you got out with a separate suitcase you picked up off of one your targets. You stepped through the office door, seeing Loona at the front, you gave a warm smile to her, her returning a loving one.

Loona: "Hey hun~ What you got there?"

Y/n: "A small gift for everyone here."

You reached in the suitcase, pulling out a stack of one hundred-dollar bills, and tossed it to Loona, who had a little trouble catching it due to her surprise. You kept walking all the way to Verosika's studio, where all the Succubi, including Verosika were hanging out.

Y/n: "Heya May-may~"

Verosika: "How's my favorite puppy doing?~"

Y/n: "I'm all right, its been a bit of a night."

You reached in again, and fished out another stack of hundreds, handing them to Verosika, the surprise evident on her face.

Y/n: "Just a small gift, now I gotta go to Blitzo so I can cut him in."

You gave Verosika a deep kiss, before you took off for Blitzo's office, the other succubi looking after you, with eyes of longing.

Verosika: "You all want a piece of Y/n too?"

The succubi looked at Verosika in surprise, and slight fear, as that was her and Loona's boyfriend.

Verosika:" You know we have an open relationship, right? I can talk to Loona about you guys being with him."

All the succubi looked at Verosika wide eyed and blushing, but they all soon began nodding their heads, the guys chuckling at their behavior. While they discussed some things with Loona on the whole relationship...

In Blitzo's office.

After Knocking You entered, only to find that Blitzo wasn't there at the moment, but a grimoire laid upon his desk, open to a random page.

Y/n: "No way in the hells..."

Approaching cautiously, you approached the open Grimoire and read who owned it.

Stolas Goetia

Y/n: "Fuck... he must make rounds to the office. Hope he never saw me... or heard me."

Stolas: "You know, peeping on others belongings is quite rude."

Freezing up, the sound of talons on the floor approached, a feathered hand placing itself upon your shoulder, your body unnaturally turned. And there stood the owl prince, Stolas, and Blitzo, who just got his suit on.

Y/n: "Uh... I'm not gonna ask, but Blitz, this is the money I owe your for that whole cherub incident."

Blitzo: "Per-fucking-fect, just leave it on my desk."

Sliding the briefcase onto the desk, you turned to leave, however Stolas was right behind you, leaning down and inspecting your face. His red eyes almost bore holes into yours, he scanned your entire body and walked around you like a predator inspecting its kill.

Stolas: "You might just be what I need, what is your name?"

Y/n: "Uh... Y-Y/n your highness."

Stolas: "Please, its Stolas, no need for formalities." 

Y/n: "R-Right, anyway, you said you might need me?"

Stolas stood in front of you, looking you up and down, then finally nodding in affirmation.

Stolas: "My daughter, Octavia, has been going into town sometimes and has told me she is being 'Followed' by certain imps. I want you to be her bodyguard and catch these imps before anything worse happens."

I.M.P.'s new intern [Y/n X Helluva X Hazbin hotel]Where stories live. Discover now