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   The next morning Mia groaned as Tony began shaking her gently. She opened her eyes and looked at the clock. 4:13 AM. She rolled over to face Tony and frowned a bit. "I know", he laughed wiping away her tears. He kissed her forehead and held her for a few minutes.
  "Promise you'll call when you get there?" She sniffled and pulled away, Tony smiling at her while rubbing her cheek with his thumb.
  "For the millionth time, yes." He kissed her gently and double checked that he had everything. "I'll see you before you know it." He blew her a kiss and shut the bedroom door behind him as he left.
  A few hours passed and Mia yawned as she sat up. She rubbed her eyes and stretched a bit before rolling out of bed. "God," she groaned. She not only slept like shit, but was sore from the events the took place the night before. She showered, brushed her teeth, and did some house work before making herself breakfast.
As her bacon was cooking, she cleaned up the dishes in the sink and emptied out her bowl from the previous night. She sipped her coffee and let out a small sigh— she was already feeling lonely.
She turned on the tv and stood there flipping through channels, Jack's face appearing on the screen for a millisecond. She went back a few channels and stared blankly at the tv, a video of Anjelica and Jack appearing on the screen.

  "It's confirmed that legendary actors, Jack Nicholson and Anjelica Huston are no longer together. An inside source who knows the couple says the reasoning behind the breakup is unknown."

Mia felt sick to her stomach, and she began to grow anxious. She knew she was the reason, as did everyone else. She knew once the story got out, it would be over for her. She jumped when the phone rang, turning off the tv quickly before answering it.
"Hello?" She twirled the phone cord around her finger and smiled. "Hi, Jodie," she laughed.
  "I figured since Tony's gone, maybe you'd wanna go out and have fun like the good old days?"
   "You act like we haven't seen each other in years." Mia chuckled and shook her head as she put her bacon on a plate.
   "Cause we haven't, you're too busy with Tony," Jodie teased. "I'm serious, do you wanna go out or not? I was invited to a movie premiere, and I don't wanna go alone."
   "What movie?" Mia asked with her mouth full.
   "A Few Good Men. Tom Cruise, Demi Moore. Y'know who they are?"
   "Yeah, yeah. I know who they are." Mia rolled her eyes and shook her head as she listened to Jodie ramble on and on about random bullshit.

• • • • • • • • • •

  Hours passed and Jodie came over with her premiere outfit, Mia raising a brow as she stood there staring at her friend blankly.
"I love you, but that is the ugliest outfit I ever seen in my life," Mia chuckled softly.
Jodie looked down at her outfit choice and the two of them began to laugh.
  "Try this." She handed Jodie an extra dress she hadn't worn yet and the both of them began to change.
  "Better?" Jodie looked in the mirror and Mia nodded.
   "A lot better. How do I look?" Mia walked over to the mirror her friend was standing in front of and stared at herself.
   "Looks good. You ready?" Before Mia could answer, the phone began to ring.
   "Hold on." She ran across the room and quickly answered it. As soon as she answered it, Jodie rolled her eyes knowing it was Tony and tapped at her wrist.
   "We gotta go," Jodie mouthed looking for her lipstick. Mia stuck her tongue out at her friend and hurried off the phone with Tony. "You two are a pain in my ass."
    "The feelings are mutual," Mia chuckled as she quickly put on her heels.

• • • • • • • • • •

   The girls arrived at the premiere of A Few Good Men, flashing lights and screaming fans surrounding them. They walked straight inside the theater and grabbed their popcorn, the both of them sitting down.
   "This better be good," Mia whispered, Jodie tapping her friend's arm and shushed her as the movie began, the theater growing silent.
   Everyone sat in silence and Mia stared at the screen bored out of her mind already. She chewed on her straw and sipped her soda, the carbonated beverage nearly coming out of her nose when Jack's name came across the screen. She looked at Jodie and already saw her friend staring at her.
  "As long as he doesn't know we're here, you're fine," Jodie whispered softly. Mia sat back in her seat and began to get antsy.
   "If Tony finds out about this, he's going to be pissed." Mia let out a small sigh and began shaking her leg, her friend placing her hand on her knee.
   "Relax. You'll be fine."

• • • • • • • • • •

   For two hours and eighteen minutes, Mia was on the edge of her seat. She couldn't even enjoy the movie without over thinking every possible scenario.
The movie ended and Jodie quickly escorted her friend out of the theater, the two of them heading to the bathroom.
    "We'll share a stall," Jodie sighed as they walked into the packed bathroom. Mia stood there panicking as Jodie did her business.
   "Good lord, it's packed in here!" The both of them paused when they heard Anjelica right outside the stall.
   "My point exactly," Mia whispered harshly between her teeth. She rubbed her forehead and Jodie flushed.
   "Cover your face with your hand, I'll guide you out."
     Mia did what Jodie said and the two of them booked it. Mia hurried behind her friend as she was being dragged by her wrist, Jodie quickly saying "hi" and "bye" to other celebrities.
  "Okay you're fine, just keep walking fast," Jodie ordered. The two girls hustled their way through the theater trying to get to an exit while pushing people out of the way.
   "Sorry!" Mia groaned in annoyance as someone's popcorn fell from their hands because of Jodie.
     They eventually exited the theater but continued to run towards Jodie's ride ignoring those who were outside smoking. "Jesus Christ, never again will we be doing that." Mia slammed the car door and took off her heels, both her and Jodie laughing hysterically.
   "That was insane. Just as insane as this parking lot." Cars were beeping and people screamed at each other trying to leave.
    Mia raised her brows and nodded while laying her head back against the head rest trying to catch her breath. She turned her head to look out the window to see what the holdup was and knitted her brows. She saw Jack staring at them with a smirk on his face, a cigarette dangling from his mouth.
    "You gotta be fucking joking," Jodie groaned as she was practically on Mia's lap staring back at Jack.

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