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"How far along are you?" Tony asked softly as he rubbed Mia's back gently.
"Three months," she sighed. She rolled over and pulled the blankets closer to her face.
"Are you going to keep it?" He didn't want to intrude but he wanted to help her if she did. He watched her shrug and gave her a nod. "You'll figure it out. Did he say anything about child support?"
"No," she scoffed loudly. "Hell no. He didn't even want the baby. I was going to abort it just to save our relationship but my doctor said being a single mom is better than raising the baby in a toxic environment."
"Your doctor's right, no doubt," he smiled softly. "However, I don't want you going through this alone. You know that," he whispered. He kissed her nose and she looked at him.
"And what about Jenni?"
"What about her?" He looked at her confused.
"What's she gonna say when she finds me in your bed?" Mia laughed. She saw he was still confused, the two of them now confused together.
"I'm not with her and I never was with her."
Mia froze taken back by his answer. She sat up and looked down at him.
"What do you mean you weren't with her? The letters I found-"
"They were just letters," he scoffed. "I understand why it was painful, but I was with her for a long time. I planned on getting rid of them, but you threw it in my face so I let you go."
Mia's heart sank right to her feet. This entire time she thought he was with her. This entire time they could had been together if she would have let him explain. She stared at him unable to find words. Four months wasted with someone else.
"It's okay," he chuckled softly. She shook her head.
"It's not," she cried softly. "This could have all been avoided if I would have just-"
"Listened? Yeah I know," he chuckled kissing her face. "You don't listen. That's what happened last time, remember?" He wiped her tears and she huffed.
"Don't even mention," she mumbled.

• • • • • • • • • •

As Mia napped, Tony brought her things inside getting her situated. She was staying with him and that was final. He didn't want her or the baby being alone. He didn't care if the baby was Jack's, he didn't wanna abandon another child.
He made some soup and grabbed a bottle of water taking it upstairs and setting it on the nightstand next to Mia.
"Hey," he whispered. "I made lunch."
"What is it?" She groaned as she sat up taking off her eye mask.
"Chicken noodle. I have to go shopping for groceries later. Anything you might want?"
"Oh!" She grew excited which made him chuckle. "Can you grab those Oreo cakesters I like? I wanna try the Doritos 3D chips too."
"Alright," he laughed. "I'll grab those for you and whatever else I know you'd like." He kissed her gently and smiled. "I'll be back, take a warm bath if you want. Relax, get comfortable. Alright?"
"Okay," she smiled softly.
He gave her another kiss and she watched him walk away, her heart filled with happiness and joy for once.
Mia laid there contemplating life. She had no idea what she wanted to do with this baby. It felt wrong being with Tony and receiving his help knowing it wasn't his. The only thing helping her with the mindset is knowing she was with Jack when it happened. It wasn't as if she fucked Jack behind Tony's back or something. She let out a sigh and got up to start her day.
It had been a five hours since she left Jack's for good. She grabbed the phone and stared out the bedroom window as she listened to the phone dial.
"Hello?" Jack answered.
"Hi, it's me," Mia sighed. "I'm at Tony's..."
"Yeah," he chuckled. "I figured."
"I'm sorry, I had no where else to go. I don't want you think-"
"I don't think anything. We aren't together anymore, Mia. I don't care what you do," he said softly. There was a moment of silence. "You there?"
"Yeah, I'm just all over the place." She felt tears form and she wiped them away.
"I know. Me too. But you're right. We can't live this way, especially with a baby coming. I'll be there for you the best way I can be." There was another moment of silence. "I still love ya..."
"I know," she sniffled. "I love you too..."
The two of them talked for a little while before Mia hopped off the phone. She felt guilty for not being as sad as she'd be until she realized he just given her closure.

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