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Mia groaned as she laid in the hospital bed, the repetitive beeping of the machines made Jack wanna lose his marbles.
"I'm gonna go grab a drink. Ya want anything?" he asked softly as he groaned getting up. He raised his brows when Mia shooed him away. "Suit yourself," he sighed pushing past the curtains. He smiled at a beautiful nurse and gave her a wink as he walked past.
"Miss Leone?" Mia looked up and saw a nurse smiling at her. "I have your test results."
"Is everything okay?" Mia asked softly. The nurse smiled and nodded.
"Everything's fine, except one thing." The nurse watched Mia's expression and she bit the inside of her cheek for a moment. "The constant sickness and the high blood pressure is because you're pregnant. Your hormones are all over the place," she sighed softly.
Mia's mouth was opened slightly and her brows knitted as if she were processing it.
"I'm pregnant?" Mia scoffed. "There's no way. I'm on birth control." She went to get up to find Jack but her nurse sat her back down.
"I know this isn't something you were expecting, Miss Leone. Especially if you're using contraceptives," she said softly trying to calm her patient down. "The doctor will speak about it some more with you when he comes in, okay?"
She watched Mia give her a nod and she gave her a soft smile in return, leaving her alone to process everything.
Mia laid there in disbelief. She was confused and afraid. She wasn't ready to have a baby, especially with Jack. He didn't want anymore kids. The thought of children and marriage made him feel uncomfortable. She also had no idea whose it was. The conversation she had with Jodie earlier that day began to replay in her brain. She sighed deeply and sat up when Jack came back in her room.
"Jack?" she whispered softly as he sipped his drink. He looked at her, his mouth full of soda.
"What?" He sat back down in his chair and looked at her. The curtains opened and the doctor came in. Mia froze and stared at the man.
"Miss Leone, I'm Dr Williams," the doctor said reaching out to shake her hand. She shook it and look over at Jack when he and the doctor shook hands as well. "Let's see how far along we are."
Mia looked at Jack who seemed to be confused. She gave him a sympathetic look, bummed that he had to find out this way.
"Far along? Far along with what?" Jack raised a brow and leaned forward, staring at Mia instead of the doctor.
Mia was speechless, unable to find words. Dr Williams stared at the two and put the pieces together. He excused himself with a tight smile and nod leaving the couple alone.
"What the hell's going on, Mia?" Jack's tone was harsh as he grew impatient. He knew, he wasn't stupid.
"I'm pregnant, Jack," she sighed softly staring at him. Her heart pounded as he stared at her.
"Bullshit." He got up and began pacing back and forth, cursing under his breath. "I can't do this, y'know I can't fucking do this," he said between his teeth.
"You think I don't fucking know that?" Tears filled her eyes. "You're the most selfish fucking jerk ever," she cried, trying not to cause a scene.
"Well if I'm so selfish, why don't ya fucking leave?" He mocked her, Mia sitting in silence as she looked down at her hospital bracelet. "Whose is it? Is it mine?"
She wiped her tears and sighed, rolling her eyes at him.
"I'm assuming it's yours cause I'm not even showing yet."

• • • • • • • • • •

Jack stared at the monitor as the doctor did Mia's ultrasound. He wasn't as angry, but the thought of his life going down the drain still had him annoyed.
It was a different era and time period when he had his daughter- he was twenty six and was just dipping his toes in the movie industry. Life went on, his daughter now on her own. Being fifty five now, drugs, sex, and partying was now part of his life style and he didn't want marriage or a child getting in the way. Not only that, but Mia wasn't the ideal mother he wanted for his child.
"Seems you're about six weeks, which means you're about two months along," the doctor said as he wiped the jelly off her stomach.
Mia stared at the sonograms being printed as her doctor talked to both her and Jack. She looked at the doctor.
"How much would an abortion be?" she asked blankly. Both her doctor and Jack were caught off guard.
"Oh, um, about six hundred," the doctor said softly. "The doesn't included aftercare." There was some awkward silence and the doctor handed Mia the sonogram images and discharge papers.
"Could we have some privacy, please?" Jack asked looking at the doctor.
"Of course, have a good night."
The doctor left, both Mia and Jack sitting in silence. He stared at her as she avoided eye contact with him. He let out a sigh as he felt bad for her once again.
"Listen, I wasn't trying to sound like an asshole. It's just-"
"You don't wanna give up your freedom, I get it," she blurted out. He looked at her from under his brows as he played with the empty soda bottle.
"It's not that, Mia," he growled under his breath. He rubbed his forehead and inhaled deeply trying to contain his anger. "I'm just not ready, that's all."
"Don't you think it's time you just give up the party scene and start a life for once? I mean, the first time we met you told me you hated that shit. What changed?" She was confused as she sat up to grab her shoes.
"Nothing changed, I just didn't imagine-" He stopped and bit his tongue. "Nevermind."
"No, say it," she scoffed wrapping her cardigan around her. He remained silent as he grabbed his car keys from his pocket. "Jack, tell me," she hissed gripping his arm.
"Jesus Christ! I never imagined this with you. And I mean that nicely. Is that what ya wanted to hear?" He glared at her and ripped his arm away. "Always gotta make shit more difficult, don't ya?" She stared at him as she held the sonogram in her hands. "I'll be in the car."
She watched him walk away, leaving her behind in the hospital room.

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