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Mia stared at herself through the large mirror as her stylists fixed her dress she'd be wearing to the MTV Video Music Awards. It had been a several months since she last went to an award show but this time she was more well known. She was nervous.
"You look good, hun," Jack mumbled, his mouth full of Chinese food as he stood there watching.
"Thanks," she sighed. "Can you tell?" She rubbed her stomach. She was still flat, but they hadn't announced anything yet.
"Nah," he shook his head and set the carton down. He kissed her temple and looked at her through the mirror. "Can't even tell at all."
The two were still deciding on whether they wanted to keep it, only for Jack's sake. Mia wanted the baby, but didn't want the baby growing up with a broken family. Her doctor had told her that it's okay to be a single mom. It wasn't just about being a single mom to her. She knew Jack didn't want the baby with her for one reason and one reason only- she wasn't Anjelica. He could give up the drugs and party life easily, but when it came down to it, she wasn't the woman he wanted a baby with.
The two finished the dress fitting and decided to head to brunch. The relationship was never the greatest but ever since they found out the news, things were crumbling fast.
"What do ya wanna eat?" Jack asked with a sigh. He tapped his fingers on the wheel as Mia put on some lipstick. "Huh?"
"I heard you," she mumbled trying not to mess up her application. "If you would've just given me a minute to respond." She sighed and threw her lipstick in her bag, Jack rolling his eyes. "We can go to the Blu Jam Cafe," she suggested.
Jack groaned and shook his head.
"We ate there twice last week, how about that cute little spot we went yesterday?" He grabbed her hand and kissed it.
"That's fine. Why ask me if you're just gonna pick for me?" She looked at him and he looked at her from under his brows pushing her hand away gently. "Really?" She questioned with an attitude.
"Really?" He mocked with a high pitch voice. It was a suggestion, Mia. Get a goddamn grip."
"I'm not gonna keep fucking doing this with you!" Mia shouted trying to get her point across. "You keep stressing me out!"
"Then we'll go the fuck home and you can pack your fucking bags and get the fuck out! How's that?" He shouted back.

• • • • • • • • • •

Mia sniffled as she shoved her clothes into her bag as Jack was screaming at her.
"I took you in! I paid for your goddamn food, the clothes on your fucking back-"
"And you've been nothing but a selfish fucking asshole!" She screamed shoving him. He inhaled deeply and turned around trying to contain himself.
"Stop talking and pack your shit," he said softly.
"Don't fucking worry," she replied. "You can keep some of these things for Anjelica because I know she'll be back."
"Oh for fuck's sake, Mia," Jack groaned running his hands through his hair. He turned back around to face her. "Is that what the fuck all this is about? Hm?"
"Yes! You wish it was her that was pregnant with your baby. I'm not fucking stupid," she scoffed.
"How do you know it's mine? How do I know you didn't wander off in the middle of the night and fuck him?" He stood there with his hands on his hips. He knew she would never do that, but he needed her off his back.
"Be serious," she said staring at him blankly. She watched him avoid eye contact with her as he rubbed his chin, a clear sign he knew he was in the wrong.
"Okay, say it is mine," he sighed. "What will people say?"
"Fuck what people say. Are you kidding me?" She closed her suitcase and he grabbed it from her, setting it aside. "Is that another excuse to add to the 'let's keep this a secret' list?"
"No," he said lowly. "Considering we've been off and on prior to us being serious and our relationship being in the spotlight for the past four months, I don't want people think poorly of us."
"You, Jack Nicholson, care about what people think of you?" She raised a brow and he shook his head.
"You're not getting it," he sighed. He kissed her forehead and sat down on the bed. "Just unpack your shit and drop this. I don't wanna deal with it right now."
"I understand you don't wanna deal with it right now, but unfortunately this isn't an option. It's real life and I need you to get a fucking grip," her voice firm but quiet as she put her suitcase back on the bed.
Jack tried to search for more and more excuses without wanting to hurt her feelings. All he could do was sit in silence and nod, playing with his lighter as he was deep in thought.

• • • • • • • • • •

Cameras flashed and people screamed as Jack and Mia got out of the limo. They signed a few things and took some photos before heading inside the building for the show. Mia sat quietly staying to herself as Jack mingled with some talented musicians. This wasn't her cup of tea, but Jack loved music.
Things were still heated between the two of them. Mia thought about leaving Jack by himself at the show while she stayed home packing her bags. Even that was a joke. No matter how many times she tried to leave, she couldn't. He'd manipulate her into staying or she didn't have the guts to walk out, but she knew she needed to whether she liked it or not.
"You alright?" Jack asked softly.
"Yeah, I just don't feel good," she sighed. He rolled his eyes and gave her a look before leaning in.
"Can you just have a good time for once?" He whispered in her ear. He pulled away and began chiming back in the conversation with his friends.
The show started and Mia was so absorbed in it that she didn't realize Jack had gotten up and left. She looked around and saw no sign of him but didn't bothering looking. After a while, she watched Jack squeeze by a few people and sit back down. He smelled like weed.
"You stink," she whispered. He let out a chuckle and continued watching the show.
"Some friends wanted to smoke, sorry," he whispered staring at the stage and the artists preforming.
After the show Jack escorted Mia backstage so he could congratulate a few of his friends. She stood there awkwardly as he chatted with them, looking around the room as artists were coming in and out. He looked at her once in a while as his friends chatted, hoping she'd chime in. In fact, he thought it was rude.

• • • • • • • • • •

Mia yawned as she stretched, getting up out of bed and staring outside the bedroom balcony at the morning scenery. It was beautiful out. She opened the glass door for some fresh air as she got ready for the day. She yawned some more as she headed downstairs for breakfast, wrapping her robe around her little baby bump.
"Mornin'," Jack mumbled with his mouth full.
"Morning," she replied softly. She kissed his forehead as he read the morning paper while drinking coffee. "How'd you sleep?"
"Like a rock," he chuckled. "Yourself?"
"Eh, could have been better." She let out a sigh as she buttered some toast. "Anything interesting?" she asked looking over her shoulder as he continued reading the paper. She smirked when he shook his head.
They of course fought when they were headed home from the MTV awards, the two of them going to bed on a rough note. She could tell he was still bitter about it, but learned from the past that she had to let him go until he cooled off.
She continued to make her breakfast, cracking two eggs in the pan. As she went to the pantry to throw away the shells, Jack couldn't help but stare at her, his heart pounding out of his chest. He cleared his throat trying to get the lump out as Mia picked up a crumpled page out of the newspaper he was reading.
Her heart sank when she stared at the front page Jack tried to hide.

Uh oh!: Actors Jack Nicholson and Anjelica Huston caught smoking behind the Pauley Pavilion!

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