chapter 3

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Next morning...
Y/n pov...
I woke up in the morning and saw him sleeping peacefully so I did my morning routine and went to downstairs where I saw Mrs jeon was making breakfast so I went to help her.
Mrs jeon can I help you in anything?

Mrs jeon...
Oh no no dear it's done already BTW don't you think you should call me mom instead of Mrs jeon?

I am sorry mom..
"As there is no work for me so I went to jungwoo's room to wake him up"
When I went to jungwoo's room he was sleeping peacefully he was looking very cute.
I picked his forehead..

Jungwoo baby wake up don't youwanna go to school getting late..
"He woke up and hug me"
Okey now let's go to take a bath.
Then I pick him up and take him to bathroom
And made him to take bath then made him wear his school uniform I am combing his hair while he just started running here and there and I also run behind him.

Mumma catch me if you can hahahaha...

Baby please stop don't run you will get late for your School stop let me comb your hair..

No mumma first catch me then i will let you comb my hair..

Baby please i will get tired if I'll continue running behind you also you will get tired please stop..
"After so many efforts jungwoo got ready and we went to have breakfast where I saw Jungkook sitting with cold face"

Mrs jeon...
Oo y/n come here have your breakfast..

Y/n ...
"Then me and jungwoo went to dining table and jungwoo sit on my lap"

Mumma I want to eat with your hand please feed me..

Then i feed him his breakfast and after that I also finish my breakfast and all the time Jungkook was eating his food silently.
Then we all finished our food.
Then Jungkook come to jungwoo and picked cheeks and he bid goodbye to Mrs Jeon and jungwoo and was about to go when jungwoo stoped him..

Appa stop.

Yes baby what happened?

You kissed me but you didn't kiss mumma why?
Kiss her..

"Jungkook stare at me and came to me and put his hand on my nape and kiss me on my forehead"
I just smile casually 🙂
Then Jungkook was about to go but again stopped by Mrs jeon..

Now what??

Mrs jeon..
Jungkook take them to school as you are going that way.

Ok come....

" Then Jungkook give us a lift to school"
" After completing the school we are going to house"

"At night"
Now we are eating dinner and suddenly mom spoke.

Mrs jeon...
Jungkook and y/n tomorrow I am going to hometown because your father needs me and also I have some work their so I have to go.
So will yo drop me at the airport.

Ofcoursse mom no need to ask.
Tomorrow I'll take leave from office okey.

Mrs jeon...
That's good.

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