chapter 7

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Author pov...

Y/n woke up in the morning and saw no-one on the bed "where is Jungkook" she said and went downstairs to check on him "ajumaa where is Jungkook" she said "y/n Jungkook said he had some work so he went to his office early" ajumaa Said, " did he had his breakfast" she said, " i said him to have his breakfast but he was in hurry so he didn't"ajumaa said," don't worry ajumaa i will take lunch to his office as i also have some work there" she said and went to wake up Jungwoo.
After having breakfast y/n and jungwoo leave for their school as always jungwoo had fun in school with y/n and his new friends.
In the afternoon y/n make lunch for Jungkook and leave for Jungkook's office.


Y/n reached the building and came to the receptionist " good afternoon mam how are you" she said, " good afternoon I am fine" y/n said, "mam tommorrow you seem very sad while going from mr Jeon office did anything happened mam" she said, " no no nothing happened actually I was just having headache that's why " y/n said while hesitating, "I know mam you don't want to tell but i know what happened yesterday even everyone knows there what happened but mam please don't believe what you saw yesterday that woman she always does that kind of things, she always seduce rich man just for money, she was here because she is the secretary of the CEO with whom our company was going to sign a deal but after that incident Mr Jeon cancel the deal, she tried to that of things many times but Mr Jeon always ignore her but this she crossed all the limits she even said bad words about you and Mr Jeon threatened her to kill her if she will talk bad about you.
I am saying this to you because I know Mr Jeon he had suffered a lot when his wife left him but he never let himself down only because of his child because he knows on that time he was the only who care for that little child. Slowly he become rude and code he soft only with his not with anyone because nobody matter for him rather than his family after his marriage i saw little changes in him and i know you can make him like before that's why I'm telling you everything.
"Thank you very much for telling me the truth actually you know i came here to know the truth and you tell me than you thank you thank you very much"y/n said, "it's my pleasure mam"she said," okey i have i have to give him lunch others wise it will be cold like Mr Jeon"y/n said,

Y/n pov....

Without knowing anything i said him so many things which i should not have i even said he don't care about jungwoo i must apologise for my fault. First i should think then i should have react what would he be thinking of me. Y/n first give him lunch and then ask for apology.

Author pov..

Y/n came infront of Jungkook's cabin " OMG why i am sweating so much common y/n you can do it. May i come in" she said, "come in" Jungkook said while doing his work on laptop, " what's the matt- y/n what are you doing here" he said in confusion, " actually I bring lunch for you ajumma said you didn't eat anything in the morning so thought" she said, " okey put on the table i will eat later" he said, "i can wait till you get done" she said, " sa you wish" he said and started doing his work again, it's been one hour and Jungkook is still working and y/n eyes started getting heavier " why i am getting too much sleepy should i ask again no no if he will get angry then what will I do" she said and after some times sleep on the couch Jungkook saw her sleeping on the couch and she was shivering because of cold so he get off from his seat and took his coat and cover her with his coat and get back to his work.

After completing his work he saw y/n was still sleeping " look the person sometimes ago saying that she will wait for me to eat now i have to babysit her" he said and pick her up in bridal style because he don't want to disturb her sleep or maybe as an apology because he was sad because he slapped her, he take her to the car and make her sit in the car and go to his house. After coming to house he take y/n to their bedroom and put her on the bed and caressed her head and go to jungwoo room. " Appa when you come" jungwoo Said, " right now baby and see appa came to you directly" he said, "appa did you see mumma because I haven't seen her since afternoon" jungwoo Said, "yes baby mumma came to appa's office in afternoon and mumma is little tired so she is sleeping"he said, "appa mumma is sleeping till then let's play some game"jungwoo said, "okey sir" he said.

Y/n woke and found herself in her bedroom " how did i came here did i slept in Jungkook's office and he took me here shit i go there to take him lunch not to sleep god i didn't even apologise for my fault"she said and went downstairs to talk to Jungkook and there she saw Jungkook was running and Jungwoo was running behind him while laughing in the whole house they where looking very cute while playing together "appa wait for me i wiil catch you" jungwoo said, " let's see who will hahaha" Jungkook said, "you can't catch me" Jungkook said, " I'll catch you" jungwoo said, they were running and laughing and suddenly Jungwoo fell down on the ground "mumma"jungwoo said, "jungwoo"y/n said, " jungwoo"Jungkook said, " jungwoo baby are you okay did you get hurt anywhere" y/n and Jungkook said, " no mumma appa i don't get hurt i just fell so yell " jungwoo said.

After having dinner y/n make jungwoo sleep and come to her bedroom and Jungkook was doing some work in his laptop "Jungkook i want to talk to you"y/n said, " y/n i am busy don't you see i am doing important work don't disturb me please"he said, " but my matter is also very important i want to talk to about tomorrow" before y/n could say further the door bell rang " who's this at this time" Jungkook Said, "let me check"y/n said, "I'll come with you let's go" he said.

Y/n open the door and there standing a very tall man fully covered in black tuxedo pants and a covering his face he also have bags with him " who are you" y/n asked him, Jungkook got scared he thought maybe he could be a thief so fastly run towards y/n and stood infront of that person "don't you hear who are you and why are you here" Jungkook asked him, " omg how can you forget me hyung I'm your cute little brother eunwoo" he said and removed his mask ( eunwoo is Jungkook's uncle's son Jungkook really love and adore him like his own younger brother) " oh it's you if you would not have speak then i am gonna get a heart attack" he said and they hugged eachother " hyung won't you introduce me with your wife" he said, " y/n he is eunwoo my uncle's son he is like my own younger brother" Jungkook said, " hello" y/n said , " hi " he said and forward his hand for handsake y/n also give her hand for handshake but his touch started making y/n feel uncomfortable y/n feels that he he wasn't handshaking even he was rubbing with his thumb on her knuckles but the smile on his face was very genuine it was being very hard for y/n to read his mind because his actions and his smile are very different and it was making it difficult for y/n to guess what was going on his mind after some seconds he left her hand " it's really nice to meet you" he said.

"So what's the matter that you come here" Jungkook Said, " actually I have some work related to my company and if don't mind guys can i stay here for somedays" eunwoo said, " ofcourse eunwoo it's your house too you can stay here as much as you want" Jungkook said, eunwoo then see towards y/n and smile at her.

Y/n pov...

Why is he smiling at me his behaviour is very weird his touch was so uncomfortable I can't even tell about this to Jungkook because I am not sure about my own feeling because his smile is very genuine like he has no conspiracy in it his that is very weird, he is even going to stay with us.

God please never let this happen what I'm thinking.

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