Meet Theya!

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Name: Theya Sireena Smith


Birthday: 27 December 2088

Personality: Shy, Random, Cute, Funny, Smart, Sarcastic, loud and love food

Nicknames:Renie,Eya, Eyeie and T.S

Friends: Zoe Johnson, Tracy Green, Timothy Puckett and Caseylyanne Williams but we call her C.L

Favorite colour: Blue, White and Black

Favorite Animal: Dog

Pets: She had a dog named Maddie and a bunny named Ellie when she was a child

Favorite snack: Chocholate ,m&m and Cheeseballs

Parents: Mother named Marissa in jail and dad died when he was 32 of cancer

Siblings: Have a twin sister named Claire. Claire is very bossy and think she does everything perfect, but if you get to know her she is really nice

Country: Sweden

Language: Swedish, English, Danish, Norwegian, Polish, German and France

Hair: She have hair til her boobs, her hair is pretty curly and chocolatebrown

Eyes: Her eyes is hazelnutbrown and if you look closely you'll see small black spots. She thinks that every spot is For something bad thats going to happen.

Likes: Choholate, cute boys, loyal friends, YouTube, Smosh, Pewdiepie, Shane dawson, Parties and Truth or dare

Dislikes: Liquoirice, war, lies, darkness, spiders, bugs and math or school whatsoever

Hi Guys! I'm going to upload more so just wait! I'm going to do a chapter about Shane Dawson too , but its so late so I'm going to wait till tomorrow til I do more! SEE YA!!! / Skyler

My youtubefriend or... Boyfriend..?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora