Coffee won't do

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A buzz indicated that another five minutes had passed and they had barely had enough time to exchange several sentences. Their eyes met at the unpleasant sound and neither of them seemed willing to look away - that is, until the brunette decided to break both their eye contact and the silence.

"I'm afraid I have another volunteer willing to entertain me for the next five minutes," he said, letting out a fake, exaggerated sigh. "How do I deal with all the attention?"

Scott half-smiled and half-snorted, amused by the other's sassy attitude, yet slightly disappointed at how the brunette did not seem one bit interested in continuing their conversation. After all, Scott was just one of at least twenty men who had decided to try their luck tonight. He stood up slowly, watching as the brunette's eyes wandered to another man standing awkwardly no more than a couple of meters away, waiting for his turn.

"Oh, sorry," Scott mumbled to the man who was clearly more than willing to replace him at the brunette's table. "You two have fun."

He mentally slapped himself. You two have fun? Really? He didn't even know what he wanted to say by that but he belatedly realized that the implications that single sentence could carry were definitely not what he had in mind.

"I mean... as much fun as you can have during five minutes, right?" he chuckled nervously, feeling that he was doing nothing but digging himself deeper into the dark den of embarrassment.

The brunette's eyebrows furrowed in a mix of concern and surprise. He looked like he wanted to say something but the other guy beat him to it.

"I'm sure we will, or we would if you hadn't taken up some of our time already."

Wow that was certainly not the nicest guy in town. For a split second, Scott entertained an idea of throwing the man out of the window but eventually all he did was flash a fake, apologetic smile at both men, now sitting across each other.

"Right, okay. I'm gone."

He started to walk away, shaking his head at how much of an awkward and embarrassing person he had come across as. He walked past the table he was supposed to next sit at, too lost in thought to continue with the whole speed dating thing. He squeezed his eyes shut on his way out of the restaurant and sure enough, a pair of dimples appeared behind his closed eyelids, full, velvety lips stretched in a smile between them. Funny, he had only talked to the brunette boy for five short minutes but he couldn't get rid of the feeling of familiarity that came with that voice and the dimpled smile. He opened his eyes and looked at his watch - he left ten minutes early but he hoped his friend was already waiting for him in a pub across the street, excited to hear about all them hot boys he had met. Well, she was bound to turn into one disappointed girl.


"Say that again," the blonde girl sitting opposite Scott ran a hand over her face in a gesture of complete disbelief. "You did not."

"Well, what was I supposed to do? That other dude was hovering over our table and it was his fricking turn so-"

Scent of Love (Scomiche fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя