Just for tonight

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Right, so I suppose this is where I should put a warning. Things get heated towards the end of the chapter. Nothing too graphic, but better safe than sorry, I guess! Anyway, you've been warned so I will not be the one to blame;)

Thank you for all your support, guys!

"You're drooling."

Scott forced his eyes open, only so he could roll them at the boy lying by his side. "Am not."

"And here I thought you'd already fallen asleep, princess," Mitch sighed. "Damn, it'd be so much easier if you had."

"Hey, I'm not forcing you to stay. Alone or not, I'll be just fine."

"You didn't seem so sure about it five minutes ago," Mitch smirked. "Do I really have to remind you how you begged me to stay?"

Scott opened his mouth to retort, but before any sound could make it past his lips, he decided against it. Mitch had a point, anyway. With a sigh, he fixed his eyes on the ceiling, bending his good arm and sliding it under his head. He was exhausted beyond words and definitely not in the mood to deal with Mitch's ever-present sass, but if he was honest, he wouldn't have it any other way. Ever.

"No, there's no need," he finally spoke, and there was a vibe of solemnity to his voice. "I didn't dare to hope you'd stay. But I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am that you did."

That much was true. He tried to play it cool and be as casual about their current arrangement as he possibly could, but apparently, that brown-eyed boy was messing with his head far too much for him to keep his excitement in check. The moment he'd heard the door creak as Mitch had pushed it open to come in, Scott felt his inner fangirl freak out as his thoughts kept screaming in a mixture of joy and victory: Mitch didn't leave! Mitch stayed! And really, it was all that mattered.

He was expecting Mitch to come up with yet another biting remark or at least let out his trademark snort like he would always do whenever Scott tried to be serious, so what the boy said next had him turn to his side, eyes widening in shock as he locked them with the brunette's.

"I wanted to stay. To be frank, I wasn't just worried about you like I would be worried about any acquaintance of mine whose life was in danger. I was worried because I care, far too much for my liking, and a lot more than I should."


"No, let me finish before I change my mind," the boy cut him off. "You're a sweet guy, and you don't look half bad, too. And yes, I may have been fantasizing about you more than I'd be ever willing to admit. But believe me when I say that this, whatever it is that we have here, can never be a thing."

"Why not?" Scott almost pouted like a kid who'd been denied ice-cream. He didn't understand any of it. For the first time since they'd met, Mitch was actually opening up to him, even if just a tiny bit, and truth to be told, it felt nothing short of amazing. He was quite astounded to discover that the boy was perfectly capable of being honest and talking about his emotions, something Scott had never thought he'd see him do. What was the problem then? Was it about his "no dates – no boyfriends" rule? Was it because Scott wasn't worth it? Was it because, for some inexplicable reason, Mitch could not find it in himself to trust him?

His internal monologue was interrupted when Mitch's answer pulled him out of his thoughts. "You will know soon. And once you do, you will keep your distance."

"You know what, I'm sick of it," Scott propped himself up on his elbow, a frown settling on his face as he gave Mitch an unimpressed look. "I feel like we're playing some sort of game but you're the only one who knows the rules. It might have been fun at first but lately it's been plain torture. You're sending me those conflicting signals, Mitch, and I'm constantly torn between jumping you and twisting your little neck."

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