Hey, Scott!

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Hello, guys! Many, many thanks for over 1k votes and 1k comments. I'm really happy you've joined me on this journey. I guess the next chapter will be the last one, so we'll have to say our goodbyes soon. Thank you again!

Scott wasn't particularly surprised when Esther called, panic evident in her voice. He knew Mitch well enough and had studied psychology, too – he was well aware of how he'd react. He wished there was another way to go about the whole thing but alas, he couldn't think of one.

Time and time again, he would second-guess himself, wondering if putting so much at stake wouldn't be too risky of a move. He could lose Mitch forever. Then again, Mitch had never been his in the first place.

It's funny how one's perspective can change over time. What started off as a search for proof that could clear Scott of all suspicion, thereby allowing him to start a proper relationship with Mitch, transformed into the pursuit of truth somewhere along the way. As time went by and Scott became more and more invested in his mission, he realized at some point it was no longer about himself and his own needs. Granted, if the outcome of his endeavors would make his relationship with Mitch possible in the end, it would be a major advantage, but somehow, it had stopped being the ultimate goal. Even if he wouldn't fully succeed and have Mitch for himself, he would at least lift seven years worth of burden off of his shoulders, and that, in itself, would be more than enough.

It took him a while to figure it all out, to comprehend why Mitch refused to believe him, even though the boy didn't have any solid proof to support his theory. It was basically Scott's word against Mitch's, and even though neither of them could provide any evidence, Scott could not fathom why his version of the story did not manage to persuade Mitch, despite being a lot more beneficial to the whole situation. It wasn't until Esther had revealed everything to him that he finally realized. It was not him who Mitch had been blaming all this time – not only, anyway. It's hard to let go of something you have strongly believed in for seven long years. It's hard to accept you've been punishing yourself for nothing.

Scott understood. Which is why he didn't freak out when Esther called him that day, obviously on the verge of panic.

"It's alright," he told her, voice stoic and calm. "He needs time."


Scott did freak out a little, however, when a few weeks later his phone went off in the middle of the night and Kirstie's name appeared on the screen. Groaning, he slid his thumb across the screen.

"Kirst, for God's sake, do you know what time it is?"

"Coffee time," she replied matter-of-factly. "Sorry, but you can't expect me to check what time it is over in Sydney when I'm mad at you and disappointed and so many other things. I hate you at this particular moment, so you'd better have a very good excuse prepared because I'm not letting you off easily."

He would groan again but the woman on the other end of the line didn't even give him enough time for that before she continued with her onslaught.

"How could you do that to me, Scott? I thought we were friends. Best friends, at that, if I recall correctly. And all of a sudden you become a complete stranger with thousands of secrets."

"Kirst, that's not-"

"Esther told me everything."

"Great," he grumbled, resigned. "See? This is why I didn't tell you. I love you to death, but you just can't seem to keep your mouth shut. Did she tell Mitch, too?"

"Not to my knowledge," Kirstie huffed. She didn't appear too happy with Scott's reasoning. "But don't try to change the subject. She didn't just let me in on your big, important secret, you know. Getting it out from her was quite a challenge."

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