The end

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"Hi," Scott muttered, resting his back against the door once it clicked shut. "Bad day?"

"Bad month," came a whispered reply. A deep, exaggerated sigh followed. "Do you want something, or did you just come to lean against my walls for support? 'Cause I mean, there are plenty other walls to lean against outside my apartment, too."

Scott was about to retaliate when a series of vigorous knocks on the door made him jump, mostly in surprise, but also in mild terror.

"Expecting someone?" he raised an eyebrow so fair it almost matched the tone of his pale shin. "A new fucktoy?"

"Maybe," Mitch shrugged, faking nonchalance like it was his job. "I hope you're not keeping us company."

"Depends on how hot he is," the blonde smirked, although deep inside he was dying of jealousy. "Want me to get the door?"

Mitch gave yet another shrug, though this time around only one of his shoulders rose. "Sure. You might as well make yourself useful."

Scott rolled his eyes, finding himself at a loss for words. The level of that boy's sass was unmatchable. He wrapped his hand around the door handle and applied slight pressure to it, before pulling the door open.

His eyes could probably not go any wider at the sight before him.

"Connie?" both boys said simultaneously and Mitch's surprise seemed to match Scott's. The blonde could finally let out a breath he'd been holding, relief replacing apprehension. This was certainly not the new fucktoy. Or so he hoped.

"Scott?" the middle-aged lady was either as surprised to see Scott as he was to see her, or she had some wicked acting skills. "What are you doing here?"

"Well hello to you too, mom," he snarled. "Nice to see you after all those years."

As much as Mitch was enjoying that little unexpected confrontation (enough to briefly entertain the idea of getting some popcorn to go with the drama), he figured he had to eventually join the conversation.

"Connie, how nice of you to drop by," he cooed, reaching out to take her hands in his, before giving each an affectionate squeeze. "It's been a while."

"What the fuck-"

"Oh, hush, Scott," Connie cut him off. "I came to visit Mitch, but since you're here, too – for a reason I can't even begin to comprehend, by the way – let me just break it all to both of you. Boys, you need to know that you have more in common than you think. Unless you think you have a lot in common, which would be ridiculous because look at you, you're nothing alike. I don't even know how you can be brothers when you look so different. Maybe half-brothers don't look alike? Oops, I skipped the suspense, sorry."

Neither of the boys spoke for a moment. They were standing an arm's length away from each other, jaws hanging open and eyes huge as tennis balls. It was Scott who turned his head to the side first, attempting to face the other boy.

"Has she finally gone nuts?" he asked the brunette in a quiet voice, but certainly not quiet enough for Connie to miss the question.

"I haven't," the woman answered for Mitch. "In fact, I feel peachy. Mitch, honey, are you alright? You look pale..."

Indeed, Mitch was pale. It might have been because he got vertigo and wanted nothing more than to slide to the floor and die there, but you never know.

"You are ridiculous," Scott spat, raking his fingers through his thick, though a little greasy, hair. "How can we be brothers? Mitch's parents are dead! And, for the record, I was the one who killed them, apparently."

"Oh sweetie, I know that," she gave him that little sly smile he hated so much. "But didn't he tell you? Mitch, I can't believe you didn't tell him those people's blood doesn't run in your veins. Mine does."

"What?!" Mitch let out a scream. "What the fuck are you talking about?!"

"Hey, don't act like you didn't know Nel and Mike were just your foster parents," Connie placed her hands on her hips, letting a frown settle on her face.

"I'm not surprised about that part!" Mitch exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "The blood ties part though was quite unexpected."

"Uh huh," she mumbled with a single nod. "Why else do you think I'd stick around?"

"You were supposed to be a family friend!" Mitch choked out, hand coming up to cover his mouth as the truth started to sink in. "Not... that."

"Wait, wait, wait," Scott cut in. "I hate to interrupt you, guys, but like, I'm here too. Okay? I'm having a nervous breakdown right now and I would appreciate if either of you fucking told me what's going on!"

"Certainly," Connie smiled, reaching out to cup Scott's cheek. "Eww, scruff. You don't even shave anymore? Gross."

The blonde didn't say anything to that. Instead, he closed his hand around Connie's wrist and yanked at it none too gently. "Spill."

She sighed and plopped down on the sofa. "Right. Let me skip the details, though. Um, where do I begin..." She reached up to scratch her head. "So, as y'all know, Scott was born first. Then I had Mitch with that random guy I met at a club. Ahh, good memories. The sex, not the pregnancy," she clarified and both boys cringed.

"I'm done here," Mitch muttered.

"I'm not, though! Not nearly done," the woman said, and there was something in her voice that made it sound like a threat. "So, let me continue. Of course Scott's dad was against me keeping the baby so I gave Mitch away. Not abandoned, okay? Just gave him to my very good and very infertile friends."

Connie giggled and Mitch felt like vomiting. Fists clenched at his sides, he crossed the room in a few strides and bent slightly so he could be at eye level with the woman he now hated with all his heart.

"I thought you were on my side! You were supposed to help me get my revenge on Scott for taking two most precious people away from me! Why are you doing this to me? To us?!"

"Life of a housewife is fucking boring," she shrugged. "I just hope you guys didn't have sex because that would be pretty messed up."

As if on cue, Mitch and Scott turned their heads to look at each other, faces getting redder by the second.

"My own brother got me off..." Mitch choked out, shaking his head.

"At least I didn't suck you off? Or stick my dick-"

"I'm in love with my own... Oh, God," Mitch cut him off, a stray tear rolling down his cheek. "I'm sorry, I don't think I can live like that anymore." He crouched down to retrieve a coil of rope he kept under the couch, just in case.


"Not now," he held his hand up and turned his head to the side, drama queen style. "I'm in a hurry to find a tree with branches thick enough."

With that, he made a mad scramble for the door, slamming it shut as he left his own apartment.

"We loves the drama," Connie grinned while she watched Scott grab his phone with a shaky hand and rush towards the door as well. "Oh and by the way, you're not brothers. God, did you actually fall for it?"

But he had already left.


Please don't shoot me! Before you do, you need to know this chapter was written entirely "for the lulz".  In other words, I needed a break from all the sadness and got randomly inspired to overexaggerate the drama to the point of absurdity. Fear not, the events of this chapter are actually not part of the storyline and the next chapter will begin where the previous one (i. e. "Revelation") left off :)

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