Chapter 22 - An Insult to a Traffic Cone

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"So lovely to not see you drunken into a stupor, sister," Judas greets her on the platform with a humorous grin. Sometimes she wonders whether he's laughing at her, or with her. For hope's sake, she'll assume with, "How's 7 treating you?"

Despite his words being genuinely friendly and concerned, Athena can't help but feel a pang of betrayal in her chest: it was as if he forgot that he had a large hand in her banishment. Though - after reminding herself that it's only a week in Two - she smiles innocently, "It's a beautiful district, and has nice people."

He nods, a faint, if not knowing smile on his lips. The wistful look in his eye appears somewhat jealous, "Well, I'm glad you're home. Even if it's only for a week."

Something has changed. Merely in the way he places his words, Athena can tell that there is something that she doesn't know about. Continuing the conversation as nonchalantly as possible, she returns, "How have you been holding up? The Academy as hectic as usual?"

"Of course: somethings never change," he nudges her good-naturedly. It had been years since he had been like this, and she can't say that she's opposed to it, "I can take you there if you'd like. There are some people who want to see you before you go."

"Sure..." the younger sibling keeps on a faint, willing smile, yet her previous excitement for a normal visit plummets immediately at his words.

1 week later

Just one week: that's all the time it took for her to inconsolably miss District 7. The underground corridors, vaults and windowless rooms of District Two's mountain core (The Nut) were as uninviting as they always had been. Opting to stay in the surrounding areas, the quarry views still weren't the most appealing (and we're nothing compared to the forests of District 7).

Receiving a great deal of bows, polite greetings and references to her as 'Commander' from training Peacekeepers and their trainers alike, Athena soon comes to the realisation that her placement in District 7 was far from secret.

"It's the big day," Judas grins, as they walk through The Nut to the Justice Building, "And a promising one. I'm sure Valda is excited as well."

Speaking of, she had only seen her in passing. Barely having time to register her well-being - no less her appearance - and she has become increasingly worried about the young Victor. Athena had found some sort of peace in District 7, and the knowledge that she had prevented many otherwise inevitable executions and other punishments throughout the year. But for her - with only the harsh Academy and her incredibly ill mother - Valda could spiral just as easily as she had.

"...and 'Thena," Judas catches her arm just as they approach the doors to the Justice Building's front stage. She hadn't been paying attention to what he had been saying, but he doesn't look too insulted. Watching her closely, he smiles reassuringly, "Please try... for me."

He didn't really need to specify, so instead he leaves then in a contemplative silence as two guards open the front doors. She reaches out and give her brother's hand a light squeeze before they step out and find their places.

"Today, we celebrate the reaping of the 73rd annual Hunger Games!" Regina reads out with excitement. Looking as preposterously dressed as always, Athena fights to keep down a laugh, "As always, ladies first..."

After the traditional scuffles to the bowl, the two tributes are announced on nationwide broadcast. With a large smile, Regina makes them shake hands, "Congratulations to District 2's tributes for the 73rd Hunger Games: Pilot Drew and Cosette Milanos. May the odds be ever in your favour!"

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