Chapter One: Haven's Fall

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In the following hour we arrived to Haven Tor Point, a large hill that is surrounded by a wall of metal and that had dug out trenches in front of it. It had walls of pipes that could easily fool the eyes into believing they are scaffold but they were merely Steampunk inspired design with balconies on top of its walls that overlooked the farmlands below. The camp had four entrances and four exits on all four sides, each of them marked by their own archway, and a ramp leading up inside the camp. In the center there was a massive gray tent befitting a commander that had four entrances opened up and the camp was guarded by the mechanical constructs known as the 'Golems'. These robotic engineered constructs are automatons of metal, iron and stone that are built generally to be guardians or protectors of a person, place, or thing. When off duty, the golems would perform manual labor around the camp, such as carrying heavy lumber, hauling heavy material and so on. They guarded and patrolled around the large encampment. There were many gray tents all around with campfires located between them and large logs where people sat to warm themselves beside a fire in the centre, even the legionnaires grew uneasy with our coming. Some of the dwarves lowered their drinks, the gnomish bards stopped playing their banjos or flutes, and the cyborg elves stopped playing their harps upon spotting us. The voices around us went silent and those that remained were of veteran legionnaires that were careless.

"The High General seems to have departed. I will try to establish contact with Lunara for more details. You know, since it is your first official contact with regular human foot soldiers, how about you take lead, hmm?", Ravencraft telepathically spoke and then added. "If you've researched everything to do with the High General, then you will certainly know about his captain.", the captain she spoke off emerged from the command tent with a large cigar in his mouth, a battle scar over his right eye inflicted from an elven claw made him look intimidating.

There were clearly parts of his flesh missing that made a part of his skin look scrawny and thin. His eye developed a cataract that made it uneasy for him to see, I was surprised he didn't get a cybernetic replacement that spoke volumes of him.

"Robert Nicholas Rhoys.", I said his name in our conversation and my sister replied. "Yes, the captain is not anything like the General. However, we do outrank him... for now.", my sister explained and I wondered what she meant for now until I looked through the database to discover that my command of this legion was temporary.

They are the 7th Legion, one of the many veteran legions of humanity, known for their many victories across the globe against the forest elves and the aquatic kazari. I could better see the signs of pollution that are visible from human factories and various workshops from the point, even though it was mostly agriculture. There workshops for tinkering their engineering contraptions were the cause of this pollution. The windmills provided them with natural energy and also blew the smoke across the field that negatively affected the air, no wonder the grain collapsed quicker than others around them. There is a large smithy located in the center of every market square along its many roads with the population consisting of regular non-augmented humans and cybernetic augmented humans, and there was some confusion about certain types of cybernetic augmented human labeling.

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