Chapter Two: Blood in the Mountain

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The 7th Legion was making its way to regroup with the 9th but little did any of us expect the exact danger that awaited us. The High General's Legion traveled to the Bladespire Canyon only to be met by heavy resistance. Upon their arrival, the High General noticed upon a high bluff several individual Amish folk tied up and with a blindfold over their eyes. The elf that I had escaped into the aerodyne was present at the scene and Lu Chen recognized Bloody Mary immediately on the spot. When he locked his eyes on her, he felt danger looming about and the familiarity with her was memorable but unpleasant and unkind. The massive blade she wields, the one made out of pure obsidian, is unlike anything anyone had ever seen before and the mere sight of it frightened all those who looked upon it, especially it's wielder.

"9th Legion, assume formations!", the High General shouted his orders as humans mustered into the front-lines with their rectangle shield formation forming in line that from afar appeared to be a massive, impenetrable wall.

The elf, gazing upon this, felt no fear and instead smiled with a devilish pleasant grin

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The elf, gazing upon this, felt no fear and instead smiled with a devilish pleasant grin. She dragged the tip of her blade at the back of the Amish folk, the mere tip itself cut into the skin like a paper cut did to human skin and the pressure was barely applied. She then stepped in front of the human prisoners and raised her blade up to the air as the 9th looked on. It was then that golems, humans and elves entered the field of view. There must have been hundreds upon hundreds of them, each of them belonging to the Bloodstone Clan, whose clear numbers would overwhelm the 9th without us. It was then that the living among the clan stepped aside as a massive force of golems, robots and droids swarmed into the area in large numbers. As the 9th Legion looked on, they could only remain silent as they listened to the loud march of the mechanical constructs down the large canyon of snow. The High General, however, did not fear what he saw. He instead raised his massive battle-axe into the skies, turned to his own legion...

"9th Legion, the Bloodstone Clan thinks we are weak, a broken people, they think that we will roll over like a scared animal. Let us show them how wrong they are. Today, armor and weapon shall both splinter as will bone. We will fight them in the fields until the last shield falls and the last cannons are silenced. Our every shot shall echo through this canyon in defiance and when there is no more ammunition we will crush them with the hands that the good graceful gods have bestowed upon us. We will fight them until our armor wears thin and our weapons lie on the ground shattered, and if we find ourselves surrounded and disarmed, wounded and without hope, I want you to lift your head in defiance and spit in their faces but don't you dare surrender, don't you dare give them ground! Crush their bones to dust instead! Let our terrors become theirs until the bitter end!", the speech inspired all of the humans that shouted in reply. "Hoorah! Hoorah!", and the human legionnaires held their formations firm while waiting for reinforcements. Their only hope for salvation was our arrival on time.

The army of golems, drones and robots charged upon the living's flank only to be met by the spear-drills of the Cyberpunks. The spear-drill is what its name implies. It is a strong mechanical weapon shaped like a spear whose tips on both sides function like a spinning drill bit. When thrown, it spins until it reaches its target and upon reaching them it armor pierces them severely and continues to drill through them should it remain caught on its opponent. When the legion footmen threw their spears, the marksmen leaned their crossbows forward and fired explosives upon the crippled mechanical constructs to finish them off. The marching mechanical constructs were already being culled by the masses as they made their way down the hills of Bladespire Canyon.

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