I Don't Like You

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"Told you I'm faster" Nat said almost out of breath
"Oh come on, why does everyone gotta be faster than me?" Sam replied also out of breath after his race with Natasha
"How about we go grab a cold drink?" Nat suggested making her way inside the compound, to the kitchen
"Good idea" he agreed following her

When they arrived to the kitchen Steve and Clint were eating breakfast
"Good morning" Sam said sitting on one of the the chairs
"Morning boys" Nat said opening the fridge door
"Morning" Clint replied still half asleep
"Good morning. Hey Nat I've been wanting to ask you something" Steve said finishing his pancake
"Yeah what is it" she said taking an orange juice box for her and handing one to Sam.
"So I've been thinking, maybe you could train Wanda-"
"Why not?"
"I already told you Steve I don't like her"
"But you haven't even talked to her, she's been here three weeks and she's getting close to everyone but you"
"I don't want to talk to her" she started to get mad
"Just give her a chance"
"No way" she finished her juice and left to go take a shower
"How did she finish it that quickly" Clint wondered as he watched her leave
"At least think about it" Steve shouted

Natasha finished her shower and sat on her bed to watch her show, until it was time for lunch.
"It's lunch time all the avengers are required in the kitchen" Friday announced

She walked to the kitchen and sat next to Steve
"You're eating already?" she asked
"Yeah I have a mission and I have to hurry"
Soon all the avengers except wanda were in the kitchen and all the sits were full.
As soon as Steve finished his food Wanda walked in.
"Here you can take my sit" Steve said getting up and leaving to go get ready for his mission
Wanda shyly sat next to Natasha where Steve was previously sitting causing Nat to roll her eyes. Wanda noticed but did say anything.

They finished lunch and Clint went to the training room with Natasha.
"That was kind of rude Nat" Clint commented as they were walking
"What are you talking about" she said confused
"You rolling your eyes when Wanda sat next to you. She noticed and you made her feel bad"
"She should feel bad" she said not turning to look at Clint
"Why are you so rude to her?"
"Because of what she did Clint. She didn't even apologize" Nat raised her voice
"Well maybe she didn't apologize because every time you are in a room with her you either ignore her or leave" he also raised his voice
Nat didn't answer
"She tried to come talk to you two times yesterday and the first time you said you have to go do something and then you simply left ignoring her"
"Maybe you're right" she said realizing
"Does that mean you're going to give her a chance?"
Clint smiled at his best friend
"Okay now let's train"

"You're going to be there tonight for movie night right?" Clint asked as he got ready to wrestle with Natasha
"Yeah of course, we're watching a horror movie remember" "Why are you asking?" she said standing in position
"Just asking and I still don't understand how they're your favorite movies"

After training they went for a walk, grabbed milkshakes and sat at a park.
"I don't like the chocolate one I got" Nat said tasting her milkshake
"I don't really like the vanilla one I got either" he said looking at his best friend
"Wanna switch?" they said at the same time and switched their drinks
"Much better now"
Some time passed and they started walking back to the compound.

They both went to their rooms to get ready for the movie. All the avengers were supposed to be in the living room at 10.30 and the movie would start at 11

They all took their sits on the couch and the floor and Clint was making popcorn with Thor. Nat had just walked in with a bag of chips she had hidden in her room and sat on the carpet putting many pillows so it would be comfortable. Steve had come back from his mission an hour before and was now sitting in the corner of the couch.
"Is that my shirt?" he asked confused looking at the oversized t-shirt the redhead was wearing
"Not anymore"

Soon the avengers were gathered on the couch except Tony who is always late. Wanda had just walked in.
"Here I saved you a seat" Nat told wanda patting a spot next to her
Wanda sat next to the redhead a little confused
"I thought you didn't like me" she finally said playing with her rings
"I thought so too, to be honest but a little bird, a big bird actually, made me realize that I didn't give you a proper chance and I didn't even get to know you and I'm sorry" the older woman confessed
Wanda smiled turning to look at her
"And I'm sorry for messing with your mind"
"It's ok, new start?"
"New start"
"Nice jacket" Nat complimented as she noticed wanda wearing her jacket
"Oh here you can have it back" she started to take it off
"No no keep it, it suits you more than it suits me"
"Thanks" Wanda said
"Want some chips" Nat offered as the movie started
"Yes" "what kind of movie are we watching?" wanda whispered
"It's a horror movie"
"Oh no I hate them"
"It's okay you can hold my hand as a safety blanket. Clint has already done it several times. Don't tell him I told you" she said whispering the last part
"Okay" wanda said laughing

First jump scare and Wanda hid her face behind Natasha's shoulder causing the Russian to laugh at the sokovians reaction. As soon as the younger woman realized what had happened she pulled away blushing.
"Told you I'm a good safety blanket" nat said smirking

Not longer than an hour later half the avengers were asleep. Nat holding Wanda's hand and getting sleepy as well. She leaned her head on Wanda's shoulder and closed her eyes. Wanda smiled seeing the redheads action and rested her head on Natasha's.

"She's so cute. Wait no shut up you two just became friends, don't fuck it up" wanda argued with herself in her head. She closed her eyes and whispered
"Good night Natasha"
"Night Wanda" nat whispered back not opening her eyes

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