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"He/She came along on his/her own, but there's something you should know."


Michael's p.o.v.

"So, what made you come?" I turned to Ashton and looked down, as he was slightly shorter than me. His hazel eyes were twinkling with curiosity.

"I told my mom about me having a date last Sunday and that you asked me to come and see your band perform today and that I really wanted to go. And she just looked me in the eyes for a bit and told me to go here instead of to my aunt with her. I'm not sure why." I explained, giving him a small smile.

It had been a bit weird, my mom agreeing so easily without me having to argue or even think of arguments to convince her with. She had looked at me, seeming to search my eyes, and then she had told me to go. It was almost scary that it was so easy.

I do know that she had been happy when I had told her I had been on a date. I mean, it was my first date, so my first serious crush. Of course I had boys I had liked and all, but I had never went on a date with one of those before. I knew their names and they knew I existed, but that's about it. And, she wasn't the only one who was happy about it.

"Really?" His eyebrows raised as he looked at me in surprise and almost disbelief, me nodding. "Yeah."

The other two boys had moved into the bar for something to drink, while Ashton and I were still backstage. This was the moment to talk to him. I should've done it after the date, but Ashton had been so disappointed that I couldn't come, that I didn't want to make him more disappointed.

In a wave of confidence, I grabbed Ashton's hand, causing his cheeks to flush pink a bit as he looked surprised once again. And I was about to surprise him even more, I think.

"Can we... talk?" He blinked a few times while looking at me, his cheeks not once getting less flushed, before he slowly nodded. "S-sure."

"Do you wanna go and sit somewhere?" I asked him, his stutter making clear he was getting nervous. But I should be the one that is nervous, not him. I didn't know how he would react and for all I know he wouldn't like the real me. So yeah, I should be nervous.

"Okay." He bit his bottom lip, taking the lead and tugging me towards a small black couch that was in the backstage space. He sat down first, releasing my hand while doing so, and I followed his lead and sat down next to him.

"So... What did you wanna talk about?" He asked, before taking his bottom lip in between his teeth again, chewing on it slightly while looking at me.

"Well, there's something you should know." I started, making sure I had all his attention before I continued, "I just wanted to tell you that the me you've experienced last week, isn't the real me. I'm not confident- not towards strangers at least- and I'm not so into flirting as well.

I'm more someone who likes cuddling and sweet things. Doing nothing at home for a date is fine with me, because simply being with a person should be enough.

And I don't know why I acted like that in the first place, but I do know I kept up the act because I was afraid you wouldn't like the real me. The me that is basically the opposite of the me you've experienced.

But if you don't like me this way, it's okay. I just wanted you to know the truth, despite the chance you won't like it." I took a deep breath after finishing my small speech, not sure where all those words came from, but happy I spoke them. Happy I told Ashton the truth.

I was looking into Ashton's eyes, searching them for any hint on how he felt, but it was kind of hopeless. And damn, did that make me nervous.

"You know," he suddenly spoke up, my heart seeming to stop as his voice cracked slightly, something you could only hear if you listened closely, "I don't care how you acted before. I still liked you, even though I might have wished you were more soft."

I raised my eyebrows in a way as if to ask if he was offending me, but he simply chuckled, taking my hands in his. "But from now on we just are ourselves. Nobody else. Deal?"

"Yeah." I breathed out, not able to believe he didn't care about any of it and was basically giving me a second chance to introduce myself. And maybe that is exactly what I should do.

"So, I'm Michael." Ashton raised his eyebrow at me, before giggling. How on Earth is it possible I have never heard that giggle before? It was so damn cute. I could listen to it all day, for sure.

"You're an idiot." He told me, a goofy smile on his face that made me smile as well as I answered, "I know I am."

"Oh, did you come on your own? I mean, if there's someone-"

"I came on my own, yeah. But you didn't, so I guess we should go look for your friends?" I bit my lip, not sure if I was able to face those guys again. They were nice, but I just wanted to leave a good first impression. Or well, I just wanted them to like me. Especially if Ashton and I were going to continue dating.

"Yeah, we could go and see what they're doing." Ashton agreed, slowly getting up but keeping one of my hands in his, my cheeks turning pink. And I had to admit, I liked it when he took the lead and led me from backstage to the bar, in search for his friends.

"They should be here somewh- oh. Oh, wow. I think- wow." Ashton interrupting himself like that made me confused, but once I looked passed him to see his two friends making out with each other, I could guess what he was thinking. I don't think he saw it coming. Neither did I though.

"We could go to my home?" I offered, before adding in a ramble, "If you want to at least, I mean, I get if you don't-"

"It's okay." Ashton interrupted me, giving me a smile. "I'd love to go somewhere else. Our instruments are being picked up by Luke's mom anyway, so that'll be fine."

"Alright." I grinned, slowly leading the older boy, who was still holding my hand, out of the bar and to my house, which wasn't that far away from the bar.

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