/Turning Back

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All of the day is going on... You can say it's just a normal day but not for the next day.

As usual Kirishima woke up at 4 am in the morning,than took her shower and make her own breakfast.I don't really feel good... That's what she thought when she realized her head start walking around."Uhh...",Suddenly when she was on the way to upstairs she faint. "K-kirishima!!"Iida the class president who saw that suddenly run towards Kirishima.She faint.. He didn't want to hold her because he know it was a very bad idea if he did,So without any waiting he stand up then call out for Bakugou."Oii!! Can't you see I'm still sl-","Kirishima fainted! I d-"As Bakugou heard that Kirishima fainted, he then ran downstaird where Kirishima was."What happened?! Hey wake up!"Bakugou shouted then quickly bring Kirishima to his room and call some nurse or doctor near the UA hostel.

"She is fine, and may i please ask.. Uhm, was she actually a boy not a girl? You-","Yea."The doctor stop with a smile then nod,"Ahh i see... Well the thing is she is probably gonna turn back in a couple hours so don't worry!"The doctor smiles again the leaves.turning back huh? That's when Bakugou told them all that Kirishima is fine but she is gonna turn back."What?!!!"They all screamed on the same time.Bakugou rolled his eyes then went to his room to see his lovely sunshine.

A few hours then,Kirishima suddenly started screaming and that is when Mina heard it and try to help Kirishima but failed."Its-ahhh!!!"Kirishima screamed more louder then when Bkugou arrived he then tried to help Kirishima."Does this mean he is ginna turn back Bakuhoe?"Mina asked."Well i guess?"Bakugou said while hugging Kirishima. Not even in a few second,Kirishima then turn back."k-kirishima!!"Mina shouted."Geez... No need to shout Mina!"Kirishima shouted.,"Im sorry!!!"Bakugou sighed with a smile on his face."Now you have turned back... Let's go tell the others."Bakugou said.Kirishima nod then walk out from Bakugou's room.


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