Chapter 1: Passing Notes

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A/N hopefully this story goes well. Please leave comments and advice about writing stories as I'm a little rusty. Enjoy ❤️

"Ahh one more week of hell and I'm on spring break fuck yeah!" You shout loudly from your bedroom while sorting your stuff for school that morning.
"Hey y/n watch your language" you hear your Aunt shout from downstairs. Your Aunt was like your best friend, she understood you and helped you through loosing your parents. You also lived with your brother Steve. He was popular when he was at school and you seemed you have inherited that. Steve worked at the video store and would pick you up from school. Life was regular and normal.

(At school)
"Chrissy I don't know why you like him so much" I say to Chrissy Cunningham. She was apart from your aunt your best friend. You told each other everything. "Y/N, he's just protective. When you get a boyfriend you'll understand better" she said giggling. Chrissy has constantly tried helping me find a boyfriend. But unfortunately every guy I'm introduced to is a bloody bone head. "Oh crap time for English"
"Miss Harrington well done on the test last week. Your writing was immaculate" Mrs Stone said as I walked into class. The bell rang then a guy came through the door very nonchalantly it was like he didn't realise he was late. "Mr Munson for the umpteenth time this semester you're late" Mrs Stone  said in her gritty voice. "Just be thankful I actually showed up Mrs S" he said with a cheeky smirk on his face. "Anyways find a seat and pay attention" he walked down the rows and sat in seat next to mine he looked at me "hey erm Harrington can I sit here or?" He said quietly I nodded.

I tried concentrating on the lesson but I could feel his eyes looking at me. I turned to look at him staring at me "erm what are you doing" I whispered.
He tore a page from his book and began writing something down. He carefully passed me the note.

In scrawled handwriting it said
"I was staring because I feel like I know you from somewhere. Do you have a brother?"
I wrote my own note and gave him it
Yes I have a brother. Steve Harrington.
We kept passing notes throughout class
E: ahh yeah your King Steve's little sister
Y: that's right
E: so that must make you a princess?
Y: haha funny
E: what's your name princess?
Y: Y/N
E: All hail princess y/n
Y: Munson... Eddie Munson right?
E: the one and only
It was fun talking to Eddie. I wanted to talk some more with him so I thought I'd invited him to sit with me at lunch
Y: it was nice talking to you Eddie, I know it seems forward but do you want to sit with me at lunch?
Unfortunately Mrs Stone saw me passing the note. "Ah Miss Harrington passing notes in my lesson. Miss Harrington  would you care to stand up and read the note out loud for the rest of the class since it's more important than listening to my lesson"
Shit! I cringed and stood up and read my note aloud
'it was nice talking to you Eddie, I know it seems forward but do you want to sit with me at lunch?'
"Ah Mr Munson it seems you have an invitation. Tell me how do you think Shakespeare would respond"
Eddie looked at me and stood up. "I did enjoy speaking with thee to. And lunch? sure wherefore not" he pranced around ending up on one knee smiling at me.The class bursted out laughing and I giggled with them. I mouthed the words thank you to Eddie whose smile just got bigger
"Class dismissed. Harrington and Munson you both have detention after school"

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