Chapter 5: The Brother

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"Shit he's home early. Erm Eddie you need to leave like right now" you say panicking. You knew Steve didn't like when you spoke to boys let alone boys like Eddie. You dreaded what may happen if Steve caught one in your bedroom. You heard his foot steps get closer. You panicked and helped Eddie with his stuff and pushed him in to your wardrobe. "Eddie just sit tight until he's gone...don't make a sound" Eddie nodded and you shut the door.

KNOCK KNOCK "Hey dingus, can come in?" You calmed yourself and sat on your bed before allowing Steve to come in. "Yeah come in" you pretended to be reading when Steve walked in.
"Have you had dinner yet Y/N?" Steve questioned
"Erm no not yet but I'm not actually that hungry so yeah goodbye" you said as calmly as you could.
"Wait what's with all the hurry huh?" You quickly thought of an excuse. "Erm I just need to study...for a test...that is tomorrow" you smiled. Steve looked confused "okay, I'm gonna go now" he left slowly. You let out a sigh of relief as you heard his footsteps fade away.

You opened your wardrobe door. Eddie looked at you with a smile "Good job princess you sure are good at lying to your brother huh"

Just as Eddie had clambered out your wardrobe you heard Steve again "Y/N by the way" you heard Steve begin to open the door. Eddie quickly fell to the floor and hid under your bed.

"Do you have-" Steve opened the door to see you have a panicked smile on your face. "Are you okay
y/ are acting very strange" you fake laughed "me strange haha really what an imagination haha"
He looked at you and began to smell something "Y/N why can I smell cigarettes in your room?" You gulped and tried to think of an excuse "erm Chrissy's erm boyfriend Jason smokes and he was smoking today after school near me and I asked him not to but he's a butthead so yeah" you smiled.

Steve looked at you as if you were insane. "Okay then we'll it's late so I'm going to bed goodnight" Steve such the door of your bedroom "goodnight Steve"

"Fucking hell" you said as you breathed a sigh of relief Eddie got up of the floor. "Why do you smoke Eddie...See the damage smoking does it nearly gets us killed by my bloody brother" you say whilst trying to calm down.

Eddie chuckled "yeah well you managed to keep us alive princess" you blushed when he called you that. You quietly managed to get Eddie out the door without being caught. "I'll see you tomorrow Eddie, best of luck on the test...erm here have the study notes" he smiled and took the notes "Goodnight princess, I'll see you tomorrow" he smirked and left not before dramatically blowing you a kiss which made you giggle.

You shut the door and went to sleep.

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