Chapter 2: Lunch

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Oh my bloody hell I just got a detention! This is my first detention I'm not exactly sure how to handle this. You felt anxious about this situation as you walked to lunch. You weren't sure if the aching in your stomach was hunger or sheer embarrassment from having to publicly ask Eddie to sit with you at dinner.

You walked into the lunch hall and immediately you were greeted by Eddie. "Hey y/n ...I was wondering if that dinner invite was still on offer" you smiled at him and replied "of course"

You sat down at a table with Eddie his friends were there you recognised Mike and Dustin as Steve had told you about them before. As you began to eat your lunch. Eddie began to read from an article in a magazine

"Dungeons and Dragons, at first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe, now has both parents and psychologists concerned."

You look at Eddie with confusion in your knowledge D&D was just a cool looking board game. But now it's concerning psychologists "Jesus Christ...seriously" you say under your breath

"Studies have linked violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even... Murder." Eddie finishes his theatrical reading

"Looks like people aren't best please about this game huh?" You say nervously trying to spark up a conversation

Eddie looks at you
"I've always wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons but I don't thing Steve will let me"
"Oh you're Steve Harrington's sister right?" Dustin said curiously
"Yep that's me" you reply with a smile

"You know y/n I could teach you how to play... mean if you want me to that is" Eddie said trying to remain cool
"Really?!?" You said a bit to quickly. "I mean...yeah that's cool I guess ...sure" the more that sentence went on the bigger Eddies smile got and the more embarrassed you felt.
"Come to Hellfire Club tomorrow" Eddie said reassuring you
"Well it was nice meeting you all" Then replicating Eddie's Shakespeare voice you look at Eddie and say "Fine sir i shall seeth thee in detention.  Farewell young sir i must venture to maths"
The table laughed as you left and Eddie stood as he watched you head for maths.

Eddies POV
"Guys did you see that! I think y/n like me" I said feeling quiet sure of myself.
"Eddie I don't wanna burst your bubble or anything but that's y/n Harrington sister of Steve Harrington man"
"I know who she is dingus, I also know one day she'll be my girl. You just wait and see"

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